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1. Your name, age, and birthday are whatever you want in the series. Your backstory only relates to the preferences, not any imagines. So in imagines, your age might be different, but imagines are completely separate.

2. I will not be talking about physical looks, because everyone is different and unique in their own way. I am an african american girl, so it feels weird when i never see any diversity in these kinda of books. So I don't want anyone to feel left out, so you are free to imagine yourself or your character however you please. So things I will not be mentioning are

- Hair color & length
- Eye color
- Skin color
- Ethnicities
- Religion
- Sexuality, but I will be mentioning for female preferences (like Natasha)

3. Just to be clear, this is a series on YOUR backstory, not any of the characters.

4. Families will be mentioned in this story. It might not relate to you, but it's just for the story :)

5. Your life will change throughout the book. So I will most likely do another series after you and the characters get married and live life a bit. It will be towards the end of all the preferences, but right now, this is just a brief summary of you.

I haven't seen anyone really go into detail on backstories, so I thought this could be fun. Since I haven't done absolutely every character in Marvel, whenever I do add in a new person, the backstory for you will be here, not in their catch-up.

I will try to make it as detailed as I can. If there is something you want added, tell me and I will gladly do that.

There won't be any sexual references in this series. I'm not good at writing smut (i've actually never wrote it before lol) so, no naughty stuff in this series. But, I do plan on doing a chapters related to that stuff (preferences and imagines wise ;) )

I randomly came up with this a 1 AM, so this is really random but oh well.

There are more series to come, but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy this one !

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