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Name, age, and looks are totally up to you :)


You tend to be shy when it comes to meeting new people. But, once you get comfortable with them, you can be really fun to hang out with. You have a short temper however, but you've learned to control it over the years. You just don't like being bossed around and being seen as weak when you know you can do more. People see you as the weak one, but you know you are more than that.


Parents Your parents are divorced. You knew growing up that they didn't love each other, but they stayed together for the sake of your family. You're the youngest child, so they waited until you graduated high school to get a divorce. Which only put a lot more stress on your shoulders. They didn't want to go through a custody battle, they figured this was best. Your Mother moved to California with another man she was seeing and your Father stayed behind. You haven't really spoken to your Mother, but you frequently visit your Father.

SiblingsYou have an older Brother named, August. You two have always been close. Whenever your parents would start fighting and arguing, he would take you out of the house and do something to distract you. He is 4 years older than you.

FriendsYou have a best friend named Amara. You've been best friends since high school and have stuck with each other all these years. You have some other friends, but Amara is the one your closest to.


★ In high school, you dated this one boy. His name was Kaden and you really liked him. Until one day, you invited him over to watch a few movies. He started acting a little sexual towards you and you weren't ready for that yet, but you didn't know how to tell him no. Luckily, your Brother came home a little early from his sports practice. He ended up fighting Kaden outside for trying to make his move on you.

★ After you graduated, you met a man. He was a little older, but he seemed to have good intentions. His name was Holden. He was very wealthy and loved to buy you expensive things. You actually got to meet Tony Stark because of him. He treated you like a queen until he started to get more press. He worked with Tony for a while and he let the wealth and fame get to his head. He started sleeping with other women and gambling. At this point, you were good friends with Tony and he told you what was going on and that he was worried about you. You broke things off with Holden and he went bankrupt after Tony fired him and he wasted all his money.


As a kid, you spent a lot of time with your Brother. Your parent's relationship started to go downhill when you were at the age of 9. Your Mother started going out more, started drinking, and sometimes you would hear her talking on the phone, always to someone different. Your Dad tried to spend time with you and your Brother, but since your Mother wasn't doing anything to help pay the bills, your Father worked a lot.

As a teenager, you got a job of your own. But your Dad and Brother thought you should focus more on school. So you quit and did exactly that. You got very good grades and got accepted into many colleges. You spent a lot of time with Amara and you slept over at her house a lot after your Brother moved out. He wanted you to live with him, but your mother wouldn't allow it. But, you managed on your own and made it out just fine, well - kinda.


Ever since you got with Sam, you've been more confident. You let loose and you feel free. He supports you with everything you want to do. He treats you the way you should be treated and he's never done anything you weren't comfortable with. He makes you happy and you make him happy.

May 26th, 2020 - 11:56 PM

I'm sorry, I feel like this is short (^_^*) but at least I finished haha. Now, I can finally work on new preferences! I have a long list of ideas and I'm gonna start writing my ideas for imagines. I'm so close to 200 reads, hopefully, by next chapter, I'll have 200 :)

I planned to have this up sooner, but the day I wanted to write, I didn't feel good. So I just chilled and watched movies. Today, I watched Spider-Man far from home and Captain Marvel for the first time. And they were sooo good. I know, I should have been watched them, but it kept slipping my mind. But I finally got around to watching them and I am very impressed by them.

But anyway, thanks for reading this series. I'm not sure if there will be any new characters anytime soon, but this was fun to do. I might go back and add in some new stuff later on, but for now, I'm happy with how it looks :)

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