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Name, age, and looks are totally up to you :)


You sorta keep to yourself. You spend most of the time with your headphones in and your face was hidden behind a book. You're usually quiet and down to earth. You're not much for going out, you just like to relax by yourself.


Parents Your parents are still together. You've never really been close to them, because of how quiet you've always been. So you find it difficult to talk to them about certain things. They do help support you financially because of your writing career. They would love to help you find a good decent job, but your so stuck on publishing a book.

Siblings You are an only child.

Nieces or Nephews None

Friends You have an online friend, that you've known since your junior year of high school. You guys have never met, but you're hoping one day you will.


You dated one guy. You met him after high school, at your local community college. The relationship was fine for a while, until he had to transfer halfway across the country and you knew long distance wouldn't work for you. So it was more of a mutual breakup. He told you he loved you, but you couldn't say it back, because you weren't sure if you loved him.


When you were a kid, you spent a lot of time with your grandparents. Back then, your parents were going through a tough time in their relationship, so they sometimes took you to stay with your grandparents whenever they fought. Over time though, they got counseling and tried to fix their relationship. Where your grandparents lived, there weren't really any other children your age around, so you spent a lot of your time reading.

As you grew older, your grandparents passed. It was hard for you as a teenager, to lose the 2 people you truly cared about. You became more distant and quiet. You kept on reading and eventually you started to write your own little stories. Your parents became worried for you and sent you off to therapy. They thought it would help you cope with the lose of your grandparents. It helped for some time but eventually, you stopped going.

After high school, you stayed with your parents. Even though you aren't close with them, you still wanted to be with them. You wanted to fix your relationship with them badly, but you just didn't know-how.


Steve has definitely brought you out of your shell more. You feel like you can talk to him so easily. You met other people on the team and became friends with Bucky and Sam. It was nice to have people to laugh with. You were quiet but you do have a good sense of humor. You spent a lot of time hanging out with Steve at his apartment. Your parents have never seen you so happy before and since you were happy, it made them happy.

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