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           You love his confidence. Nothing was ever awkward between the two of you. Whatever he thought, he said. Sometimes, his confidence and oversized ego got him in some trouble. But, that's what makes him Tony.


                 You love how he always knows what to do. Anytime there is a situation, whether it be in your personal life or your work like, he just always seemed to have the answer.


              You love his overprotectiveness. At times it can be a little annoying. But, you love knowing that, no matter what situation you're in, he'll always be there to protect you. Thor is madly in love with, he would risk his own life, to protect yours.


           You love him for who he is. You love Bruce and you love the Hulk. Without the Hulk, Bruce wouldn't be who he is today. You treat both of them the same. People may see him as a monster, but you just seem him as the man you fell in love with.


You love the way Bucky, loves you. To everyone else, he's this big, angry, tough guy. A guy who could kill anyone without breaking a sweat. But you know that's not who he is. When he's with you, it's like he's a whole different person. He shows you how he feels. He laughs with you, he cries with you, he's honest with you. You love how, out of every girl in the world, he chose you.


              You love how he listens to you. Loki isn't just call the God of mischief for no reason. You're the only person that's able to knock some sense into him whenever he starts to get too out of control. He makes sure to pay attention to every single little thing that comes out of your mouth. You know he cares and that's all that matters.


             You love how tough she is. She can be the sweetest girl in the world. But when it comes to you or any of her friends, she won't hesitate to kick anyone's ass and cover her tracks.


              You love his voice. Whenever your anxious or scared, his voice always calms you down. You love how smooth comforting it is.


           You love the way he cares for others. He may not show it, but when it comes to his life or anyone he cares for. He won't hesitate to save them, including you. You love he cares for Natasha like a brother. You love he cares for Wanda, how he fills in the Father and Brother roll in her life.


You love how innocent he can be. You enjoy teaching him new things and seeing his face go red every time you curse. Even though he also curses, he just likes it when you do it. You're more than happy to take your relationship slow with Peter.


               You love his humor. At times he can seem like this very serious guy, but he's truly a funny and fun guy. He knows when it's time to be serious and he knows when it's appropriate to crack a few jokes. There's never a dull moment with him.

June 3rd, 2020 - 4:35 PM

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