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Bucky hadn't returned to the tower the next morning. You spent the whole night crying, to the point where you got so loud, you woke up other team members. You've always had trouble with keeping your emotions in check.

That morning, you had cried so much, you just felt numb. You stayed in Steve's bed, just staring at a blank wall. Everyone came to check on you, one by one, but you never responded to any of them.

You're whole life, you've been nothing but hurt, you expected Bucky to be different. But of course, he was just like everyone else.

Tony was furious when he heard what happened. When you first came to the tower, he took you under his wing. He quickly became a father figure to you. You could hear Steve and Tony arguing outside the room.

"I told you he was no good for her!" Tony tried to whisper.

You couldn't hear Steve's response because he was quieter than Tony. You could hear them going back and forth. After some time, the arguing stopped, but a new voice could be heard. A knock came at the door. You yelled for the person to go away, but the knocking continued. You threw the blanket off of you and stomped towards the door. You flung open the door, ready to tell off whoever decided to bother you. There in the hallway stood Bucky, with a protective Steve and Tony behind him.

"Can I come in?" He asks. You nod and step aside so he could enter the room. You shut the door behind and walk around him to sit on the bed. You refused to look at him, even though you knew, he was looking at you.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." He said.


"That's it? Just an okay?" He said, getting frustrated.

"Well, what do you want me to say? You accused me of cheating on you when your the one who's always sneaking off."

He walked over to you and sat next to you on the bed. You still didn't look at him. "Alright, I'll tell you what's been going on, if you could just please look at me." He hooked his fingers underneath your chin and tilted your head so you could look up at him. After you looked at him, he dropped his hand and began to talk.

"I thought I found a way to, I guess make myself go back to normal. These guys said they could make me forget everything I did as the Winter Soldier. But, it just made things worst. It wasn't their fault, because I've seen what they've done for other people." He paused for a moment.

"One day they said the words because they thought what they did worked and it didn't. So, I've been scared that I would hurt you and when I saw you with Steve, I guess I just lost it. I wasn't thinking straight, I'm sorry."

You placed your hands on the side of his face. "Bucky, you could have talked to me. I'm sure someone in this tower knows someone that could help."

"I've already caused enough problems, I didn't want to cause any more."

"Bucky, I love you. I would do anything for you." You wrapped yours around him and he did the same to you. "I love you so much. You don't even know it."

He chuckled softly. "I love you."


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