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           You and Clint were actually exes. You both met on a dating app. You were tired of being single and he got it just to give it a try. The two of you really hit it off and began dating for about a year and a half. That was until Clint got too tied up into all the SHIELD stuff and he decided it would be easier for the both of you if you guys split. He genuinely loved you. He did it so you would be safe and promised he would try to return to you if you let him. You told him you would try to wait as long as you could for him.


          A year after you and Clint broke up, you had moved on. Not by choice though, your friends were tired of you sulking and crying over him. So they set you up on a blind date and you hated to admit it, but you liked the guy. You and him dated for 5 months and then, you saw Clint again. You and your boyfriend at the time bumped into him at a coffee shop. You hadn't seen him for a whole year but for you two, it was like he never left. He was hurt when you introduced your boyfriend but understood. The three of you sat down for coffee and talked for a few hours.

Eventually, your boyfriend grew tired of Clint and said it was time to leave. When you went to give Clint a hug goodbye, he picked you up and spun you around. He secretly slipped a piece of paper into your back pocket. When you got home, you found the note. It had his number on it. You made sure to stay in touch with him.


              Before you and Clint became official years ago, he took you to a pumpkin patch

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           Before you and Clint became official years ago, he took you to a pumpkin patch. You both picked pumpkins and went through a haunted maze. You ended the night eating popcorn and sitting in his truck, just talking.


            You and Clint kissed the first time you met. You both had only texted for about 3 months, because of his job. When you met, it wasn't awkward. By the end of the night, you both had a heated make-out session. It didn't lead to anything more though.


Eventually, you and your boyfriend broke up. You were spending too much time with Clint it seems and instead of just talking to you, he ended things. It hurt a little for you, but you soon got over it. The night you guys broke up, you invited Clint over. You both were seated on your couch when you told him.

"So that's it? You guys are done?" He asked.

You nodded, "pretty much."

"Was it because of me?" He asked quietly.

You looked at him sadly. You didn't want him to blame himself for your break up, but you didn't want to lie to him either. "For the most part."

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention for that to happen."

You smiled sweetly at him. "It wasn't your fault. Things were going to end anyways." You reached up and places your hand on his cheek. Slowly rubbing your thump against it.

"Are you going to leave again?" You asked him.

"Well, I have some time off right now, but I'll have to go back eventually. But, I don't think I want to." He murmured.

"What do you mean? I thought you loved your job?"

"Yeah.." He paused. "But, I love you more. Y/N, I hate being away from you. I know you just got out of that relationship, but I was thinking - maybe we could.." He drifted off towards the end. You smiled and leaned over, softly kissing him. He put his hand on the back of your head, deepening the kiss. The kiss went on for a few seconds before you broke it off.

"I would love to be with you, Clint. But don't give up on your career. I want you to be happy and the world needs Hawkeye, just as much as I do." He smiled warmly at you. The kind of smile that makes his eyes light up.

"I must be the luckiest guy in the world if I managed to get a girl like you."


Your name in his phone: Future Mrs. Barton
His name in your phone: Birdman 🐦


        You and Clint do a thing you both call people watching. Basically, the two go to any place public and look at people and create fake lives for them. It's a harmless game, really.


       You work at a local bar as a bartender. It's not as bad as you thought it would be when you first started working there. Clint sometimes comes to your work to spend time with you. Once in a while, he'll bring Natasha along, so the three of you could hang out.


- Having to get used to his sarcasm

- Being friends with Natasha

- Always getting into stupid arguments. That he mainly starts

- Being the quiet couple

- He kept you a secret from the team for a while

- Not much PDA

- Him being a bit older than you

- You constantly telling him that he doesn't need to retire

- Wanting to start a family together

- Him sending you cute texts when he's away on a mission

- "Clint stop being rude to people."

- Him being scared to meet your family

- Randomly hiding in vents together

- Him always ready to shoot anyone with an arrow if they hurt yo


Day 'n' Night by Kid Cudi

               This is just a song you and Clint both like to listen to. Not really any big meaning behind it, you both just like to relax and listen to it.

New Series coming tomorrow!

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