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Another long one


You and Bucky have been going strong for a while now. But lately, things have been pretty rocky between the two of you.

He's been distant, more quiet than usual, he hasn't been sleeping in your shared room. He's like a completely different person. You try talking to him and he hurries to end the conversation.

Well, tonight, you had enough. You've had your suspicions about him cheating on you. He constantly lies about where he's going. He goes out late at night and comes back too tired to even speak to you. Sometimes, he'll leave for days at a time. You've had enough of this and him.

Tonight was no different of course. It was 1 AM, he wasn't here. But this time, you would be up, waiting. You weren't even sure if he was coming back to the tower tonight, but you had been doing this for the past 2 days.

Since he slept on the couch in the living room, you waited in there. You sat on the armchair, with tour arms crossed. lightly tapping your foot. You knew this wasn't going to end well, but you had no other choice.

You heard footsteps approaching, but you kept tour eyes on the elevator.

"Y/n?" You recognized the voice, as Steve.

"Hi, Steve." You responded, not looking at him. He sighed and walked over to you. He stood by the chair and looked at you. Then, he looked at where you had your eyes set.

He sighed and rubbed the back of his head, looking back at you. "It's been 2 days, you know."

"I know."

He put his hand on your shoulder. "Why don't you just let me talk to him tomorrow."

You shook your head and looked up at him. "I need to do this myself." You looked down sadly. He walked around the chair, to where he stood in front of you and knelt down/

"I just feel like, you know, you've tried to talk to him before and it didn't work. So what if, I talk to him, hopefully, get some information, and report back to you, and then you can do what you want with him."

You looked at him and thought for a moment. Steve and Bucky were a lot closer, so Bucky would most likely tell Steve anything.

You nodded slowly. "Alright."

He smiled. "Great." He stood up as you stood from the chair. "Why don't you come sleep in my room. I don't want you to be alone, again."

You nodded, too tired to say anything. He threw his arm over your shoulder and you wrapped your arm around his waist. He led you to his bedroom and opened the door, letting you in.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom. Go ahead and lay down." You did as you were told and went over to Steve's bed. While Steve went to the bathroom, you got yourself comfortable under the comforter.

It was so soft and warm, it almost instantly put you to sleep. You closed your eyes and waited for sleep to take over.

You were barely awake when you heard a door open and close. Assuming it was Steve, you just kept your eyes closed, so he knew you were going to sleep. After a moment, you realized that Steve never actually got into bed. You opened your eyes and looked towards the bathroom. The door was still closed.

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