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This chapter will be a long one. Sorry in advanced


You were sat in your office, at your job. When all hell broke loose.

You were quietly looking over some contracts for your boss when sirens in the building started going off. Your office door burst open and in came 3 men, in black suits. You stood up from your chair and immediately froze in fear.

"Grab her." One of the men said. After he said that, you unfroze and looked around your desk for anything you could use as a weapon. You grabbed your stapler and opened it. One of the men came near you and you swung at him with the stapler hitting him over the hear with the sharp parts.

After you hit him, you kicked him in the stomach, sending him tumbling to the floor. Another man came at you and this time you threw the stapler at his head and kicked him in between his legs. Once he was on the ground, you kicked him in the stomach.

After you kicked him, you were grabbed. The last man, wrapped his arm around your waist, from behind, while holding a gun to your head. You stopped moving once you felt the gun.

"What do you want from me?"

The man laughed in your ear. "Sweetheart, I don't want anything from you. It's Stark I want."

"He'll never give you what you want!"

The man laughed again. "But, I think he will." After he said that, a crash came through your office window. The man turned the both of you around to and you saw Tony, in one of his suits.

"Let her go!" Tony said, lifting his arm, to blast the guy.

"I wouldn't do that, Stark." The man nudged the gun closer to your head. The two of them circled around each other and stopped when the two of you, were by the open window. You started to get more anxious as he got closer. "You know who I am, Stark and you know exactly what I want."

"You want my suit? Come get it off me." The two men that were on the floor got up and raced towards Tony. Tony then, blasted both of them before they could reach him. Then, he once again raised his arm at the man that had you trapped.

The man tsked and shook his head. "My patience has grown short. I will take great pleasure, in ending her life. It's a shame, she would have been a great use to me." And with that, he shoved you out of the window.

Tony immediately blasted the guy and he went tumbling out as well. Tony flew out of the window and grabbed you just before you could hit the ground. Once he caught you, he flew the both of you up to the roof of the building. After he let you go, you pushed yourself out of his arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked, lifting up his mask.

"Am I okay? Tony, I almost died!"

"But, you didn't! I was right there, I caught you."

By now, you were full-on crying. "I can't do this. I can't do it, anymore! I can't."

"Baby, why don't you just calm down and we can-"

You cut him off. "No, no I will not, calm down! I- I feel like my life is constantly in danger with you. I can barely sleep at night because I'm scared someone is gonna come breaking down my front door!"

TASTE- avengers preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now