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Name, age, and looks are totally up to you :)


People often tell you, you're like the mom friend. You're independent, you take care of others before you, you give great advice. You're the go-to person. You're sarcastic, you know how to crack good jokes. To everyone else, it seems like you have your life completely together. For the most part, you do.


Parents You're parents are still together. They work a lot, so you don't really spend a lot of time with them. But you love them and they love you.

Siblings You have 3 siblings. You have an older sister named, Scarlett. Then comes you. Then you have the twins, Nolan and Norah.

Nieces and NephewsScarlett has 2 kids. She has a 4-year-old son named Milo and a 7-month-old daughter named, Zoey.

Friends You do have a good amount of friends. Your best friend's name is Layla.


★ You dated a guy named Xander your freshman year of high school. It didn't last long, only about 3 months.

★ During your sophomore year, you dated a guy named, Tobias. He was a senior. You both broke up a few days before his graduation, but you still went and remained friends.

★ At the beginning of your Junior year, you almost dated someone, until a toxic friend came along and caused a bunch of drama between the three of you. After a few months of drama, you gave up. You guys never went official, but everyone thought you were dating. After that whole thing, you stopped dating for the rest of high school and decided to just focus on school.


As a kid, you were known to be such a diva. Out of all your siblings, you were the brattiest child. You always got what you wanted and threw a tantrum when you didn't get what you wanted. As you aged, you grew out of it.

As a teenager, you started going out more. You weren't really rebellious, you just did normal teenage things. Your personality changed a lot, because of meeting new people. You weren't bratty anymore. Just sarcastic and witty.


With your ex, you changed yourself for him. You wore more skirts and dresses. You had to be less, well, you. You're a funny and entertaining person. With him, you just seemed boring. But once you got back with Clint, you were back to your normal self. You love how he makes you feel like yourself. You can be whatever you want with him.

I was supposed to upload this yesterday, but i was too busy playing sims and then i fell asleep (*'ー`*) so yeah. i'm gonna start working on adding in new characters, so i can full finish this series. I'm gonna add in the rest of the people i want in this book and then I will move on to new preferences and imagines. :)

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