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Name, age, and looks are totally up to you :)


You and Tony definitely have the same personality. You're not much of a partier though, but when you do, you like to let loose. You can easily make conversation with just about anybody. You come off as a classy woman who knows what she wants and gets what she wants. You know absolutely know how to wow the people.


Parents Both parents are still together. You aren't on the best terms with them, but you make things work.

Siblings You have 1 older sister named, Hazel. The two of you are very close.

Nieces or nephews You have a baby niece, her name is Phoebe.

Friends You have a best friend named, Savannah. You have other mutual friends, but aren't very close with them.


★ You dated a guy all throughout your junior and senior year of high school. He sadly cheated on you a few weeks before prom. You ended up still going to prom with him because you still had strong feelings for him. After prom the two of officially split.

★ You got into a relationship at the beginning of college. It didn't last long because you fell for someone else, which he understood and didn't want to keep you from being happy. You both dated for about 3 months.

★ The last boyfriend you had really managed to wrap you around his finger. You were together for 4 years, after meeting in class when he transferred to your college. The relationship was great and you thought this would be the guy you would marry after college. But unfortunately, you ended up losing feelings for him. Towards the end of your relationship, the two of you started to become distant and want other things in life. So you broke it off.


You were very much indeed a needy child. Your parents treated you like a princess and literally got you anything you wanted. That was until you grew up. As a teenager, you started to become reckless. You were drinking and sneaking out, doing everything your parents hated. Sure, they got you everything you wanted, but that wasn't enough for you. They weren't really there for you emotionally and brushed your emotions off to the side. You just liked getting a reaction out of them. You eventually grew out of it though as you aged, but still having a tainted relationship with your parents.


Nothing much about you had changed. Probably the most drastic thing that has changed, is that you act almost exactly like Tony now. He thinks it's cute how you use his comebacks and sarcasm. You party a little more now because he's always throwing parties. You like that sometimes you can boss him around. He is still convincing you to work for him, but you decline. Maybe one day.

Hope this is good :) If you read the last chapter, you know that there will be another series like this in the future but different. I liked doing this, so I hope you liked it too.

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