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Name, age, and looks are totally up to you :)


You're not very outgoing and more closed off. You're very selective when it comes to making friends. You're not one to try to impress others and just tend to be yourself wherever yourself. You're not afraid to tell someone off when they do something that upsets you. You tend to get angry easily but you've learned to control your anger. But, you can, however, but the nicest person in the world. You just know how to stick up for yourself.


Parents ⇨ You're parents divorced when you were 13. It was hard for you because you were close to both of them and loved them both equally. You hated how they made you choose who you wanted to live with. You were fine living with either. But once when you picked to live with your Father, your relationship with your Mother decreased. The reason you chose to live with your Dad is that you and him were more close. Your Mother worked a lot and you didn't exactly feel comfortable staying alone most nights while she worked.

Siblings You are an only child. Your Mother couldn't conceive another child. So it's just been you and they were completely fine with that.

Friends You had tons of friends in high school. But once you graduated and moved away from home you lost touch with them. You're more focused on your career then maintaining friendships. The only friend that mattered to you was Bruce.


During your sophomore year of high school, you dated a guy named Elijah. You both dated for about 7 months before you realized your feelings for him vanished. After you broke up with him, he started basically being a jerk to you throughout the rest if high school.

★ You dated a guy named Sebastian during your Junior year. You both really liked each other and you thought maybe dating wasn't so bad. But it sadly ended when you found out he was bullying Bruce behind your back. You told him off before ending your relationship with him.

★ You and Bruce didn't really date necessarily, but you did go to your senior prom with him.


As a child, you were lonely for the most part. You had friends but you've always wanted a sibling. Your parents settled with getting you a dog. Unfortunately, what you didn't know is that your dog was very old when you got him. So he lived for about a year and a half. Your parents tried setting you up on playdates and sleepovers, but you just weren't interested in anything.

As a teenager, once you were living with your Dad. You started going out more. You met Bruce in 9th grade and the two of you became great friends from there. Your Father was a little skeptical about you dating a guy who can turn into a giant green raging monster. But you assured him that you would be safe.


You're still the same old you. The only thing that's different is that you have to keep control of your anger and your emotions around Bruce. Besides that, your life is just great.

Not really sure how I feel about this one. I'm kinda tired so, this seems a little rushed. But oh well :p

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