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You worked as a secretary at another company. Tony wanted you to work with him, but he already had pepper so you saw no reason to work for him. You felt completely fine at your current job.


You're sorta jobless. Well, you try to write but your books don't really get you anywhere. Steve has been helping you out a bit - financially- but you felt as if you were using him for his money. You mostly used your parents money, but they told you that you needed to get a proper job as they couldn't help you out forever.


You worked at a local diner as a cashier and waitress. You've worked there since you graduated high school and it was also a family business. The diner was currently owned by you, your parents and your 2 brothers. Your brothers wanted to take other career paths and seeing as you are the youngest, your parents never really gave you much of a choice. You're surprised your parents even allowed you to move out on your own. Now, you just gotta find a way to get out of this job.


As stated in a few previous chapters, you worked with Bruce at the Avengers Tower. It was an odd job choice for you, seeing as you were terrible at anything science related in high school. But you just couldn't pass up Bruce's offer to work with him. You were basically like his personal assistant. You ran errands for him, helped him run tests, even as far as make sure he eats. You enjoyed spending time with him in the lab, it was definitely more fun than science class in high school.


You were currently jobless. The team and Bucky mainly supported you financially, seeing as you didn't have a family to help you out. You tried talking them into letting you get a job, but Bucky being Bucky, he feared for your safety, since you're involved with him. The team did give you things to do though. Natasha helped you work out, you sometimes sat in the lab with Bruce and Tony, and Clint showed you how to shoot a bow. You got along with everyone just fine.


You worked with SHIELD. You've worked there ever since you were 16. You're very smart, so you finished high school early and as soon as you graduated, that's when Nick Fury recruited you. Not only are you smart, but you're very strong and athletic. You were taught how to fight at a young age, so you've always been able to defend yourself. You're now 22 years old and one of the strongest members on your team.

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