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You and Tony had been 'together' for some time now. Neither of you really cared about labels, even though you both acted like a couple. Your first kiss with Tony happened naturally. Of course, he was the one who initiated the kiss.

One day, you were both in his lab. He was working on one of his suits while you just sat quietly and watched. You were busy eating a lollipop, which made your lips glisten. Tony looked over at you and as you took the stick out of your mouth, while you smiled at him. Tony always loved the way your lips curved when you smiled.

He got up from working on his suit and walked over to you. You looked up at him as he stood over you. You were caught off guard when he took the lollipop from your mouth and slowly bent down to kiss you. The kiss was slow and passionate, it didn't last too long though. He disconnected from your mouth and smirked at you.

"Thanks for the treat." He said, sticking the lollipop in his mouth and walked back to his suit to continue working. You smiled and shook your head.

What am I gonna do with that boy? You thought.


You and steve hadn't had your first kiss yet. He wanted to wait until he officially asked you to be his girlfriend. Not knowing this, you figured he didn't like you the way you liked him. Occasionally, he would kiss you on the cheek or your hand, making you question his feelings for you.


You and Thor kissed by accident. You both were hanging out at your house, it was your day off from work. You wanted to show him some board games you loved playing as a child. You both sat on your living room floor with the game Candy Land set up. You sat on one side and he sat on the other.

"Okay so, you pick a card and whatever it says is where you go." You instructed him. "I'll go first."

You picked a card and it showed two red squares. You moved your game piece to the second closest square.

"Wait, but you skipped all the other colors." Thor injected. You explained to him that you go to whatever color is on the card. He understood and then picked a card. It showed one orange square and he moved his game piece to the orange square. "Have I won?"

You chuckled, "No, you have to make it to the castle." You both continued to play until you accidentally flicked your game piece. It landed a few inches away from Thor. You stretched over the game board to grab it. Once you did, you didn't realize how close you had gotten to him. He looked up the same time you did and you both accidentally brushed lips.

You froze where you were and then quickly started to apologize. "Oh my gosh, Thor I am so sorry."

He smiled, "no need to apologize, my lady." He paused for a moment. "If it's alright with you, I would like to kiss you properly?"

You blushed, "you may." Thor gently grabbed your chin and kissed you softly. This is the calmest and collected he's been since you met him.


Surprisingly, you and Bruce have never kissed before. He was your date for your senior prom and you had only gone as far as to kiss his cheek. It had been your goal for you since you guys met again, to kiss him.

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