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        Whenever Tony isn't in his Lab and happens to be sleeping in bed. You'll let him fall asleep on your stomach, while you play with his hair. Once he is asleep, you'll roll over onto your side, so his head will be pressed against your chest and you'll wrap your arm around his head while he has his arm wrapped around your waist.


              You and Steve just do the old fashioned, spooning. He'll lay on his side, while you lay in yours, facing away from him. He'll have his arm wrapped around your waist. You like to hold onto his hand while you sleep.


                There are two ways you and Thor sleep. Sometimes he'll lay on his stomach and you'll lay on top of him. Or he'll lay on his back and you'll still lay on top of him.


               Bruce is scared he'll hurt you. But, he still sleeps in the same bed as you. He likes having you near him. He just faces away from you when he sleeps and you face towards him. You try your hardest not to touch him while you sleep, so you don't accidentally scare him and wake him. But, sometimes when you fall asleep before him, he'll admire you while you sleep and plant soft kisses on your face.


           It took a few months for Bucky to be comfortable sleeping in the same bed as you. Bucky will sleep on his back, while you lay next to him with your arm wrapped around his torso and your head on his chest.


              To everyone else, Loki may seem like the coldest and meanest person. But to you, he is the biggest baby. Loki likes to lay on top of you while he sleeps. You'll lay on your back, while he lays on you, with his head on your chest. You'll play with his hair until you fall asleep. Sometimes you'll wake up to him spooning you because he doesn't stay still when he sleeps.


              You and Nat both like your personal space while you sleep. You guys lay however you want, but your legs are always somehow tangled up with hers when you wake up.


              Vision doesn't necessarily sleep. So, he'll kind of hover in the corner of your room and rest. Other time's he'll do something to occupy himself until you wake up. Some nights though, he'll sit on the bed, while you sleep next to him.


               Clint hugs you while you sleep. You'll both lay on your sides, facing each other with your arms wrapped around one another and your legs tangled up.


            You and Peter aren't allowed to spend nights together yet. But, whenever you two take naps together, it's usually on the couch watching movies. He'll sit up, with you sitting on his lap. He'll wrap his arms you and you'll wrap yours around his torso.


              Like Loki, Sam will lay on top of you while you sleep. Except, you'll lay with your arms above your head, while Sam is sprawled out on top.


May 28th, 2020 - 12:54 PM

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