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Apparently i forgot to write Thor's part for this chapter ... OOPS! But, it's here now!!


You hadn't been in contact with Tony in about 4 months. He was, however, more close by than you thought. He paid to have your whole office remodeled. He paid to have your house cleaned every week and he would even send you flowers every once in a while.

So far in the last 4 months, you haven't had any incidents. You were safe for once. But, it didn't feel right. You had gotten so used to your lifestyle with Tony, that being safe just didn't feel right.

You missed the morning's you would wake up to him blasting his music. You missed seeing him show off in his suits. You missed flying around the city with him. You missed him.

Every single time something happened to you, he was always there. You were just scared, one day he wouldn't. But you would rather die, being with the man you love than living miserably without him.

So, that's why you were currently standing in front of Tony's front door waiting. After a minute or two, you saw Pepper come towards the door. She smiled at you before letting you in.

"Y/n! It's great to see you. How have you been?" She asked, giving you a hug.

You returned the hug. "I've been alright. How is he?"

"He's been cooped up in his lab. He sleeps maybe once or twice a week and then goes right back down there" You sighed. You didn't realize the pain you had brought him. The day you told him you wanted a break you immediately regretted it. You should have come sooner.

"I'm gonna go talk to him."

"Good luck." Pepper wished and walked off. You made your way to his lab. You saw through the glass that he was sat at a table tinkering on one of his suits. You just stood by the door and watched him.

"Sir, you have a visitor." You heard Jarvis tell him.

"Pepper, I already told you I don't need anything." He paused. "Actually, I could use a nice alcoholic beverage."

"I think you've had enough drinks." Tony dropped the tool he was using and whipped around in his seat. He stood up and made his way to you.

You smiled at him. "Hi, baby."

"Hey. You look great. You've been using that face wash I gave you haven't you?"

You chuckled, "I have. Thanks for noticing."

"Of course, I notice everything about you."

You smiled. "Tony, listen I'm sor-"

"Please don't apologize. This is one me. I put you in danger and I was too selfish to realize." He stepped closer to you and cupped the side of your face. "I didn't want to lose you. I can't lose you and if you want me to stop all of this."

He gestured to all the suits in his lab. "I'll stop it right now if it means never losing you again."

By now, you were already crying. Tears of joy of course. You shook your head. "Tony I can't let you give up your career for me."

TASTE- avengers preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now