Journal entry #1

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April 10th, 2020

                               Today it has been 18 days since school has been shut down. Right now everything feels so different. Social distancing has been a major impact on my life right now. It gets really boring sometimes since I can't go anywhere too. I remember when school was supposed to be closed for 2 weeks, and I was really happy to have an extended break but when I found out school was being shut down for the year, I was really angry because I knew I wasn't going to be able to see my friends.

                              Since I can't go anywhere, I've spent more time around my siblings and my dad works at home now so I can see him more. I miss my friends a lot and it feels like schools been closed down a lot longer than it really has for me. In the mornings, my sister uses my school laptop for her schoolwork since she doesn't have a laptop to use and she's still in elementary school but at 1:30 in the afternoon I start doing Edgenuity(online school) and I do it for 4 hours and then I usually work on my creative writing and English assignments afterward. I work on my art projects whenever and I check daily for things I need to do for SEL (seminar lessons) on Schoology.

                                          The coronavirus is definitely something I won't forget. I try to avoid the news because it gives me anxiety and it's really sad and depressing to see that there are so many deaths. The only time I'm out of my house is to go on walks with my siblings around my neighborhood. What really worries me though is that there have already been 552 cases and 13 deaths from the coronavirus in the state I live in.

Another thing that worries me is that my grandma that I'm very close with, is at risk for getting the coronavirus so it's good for me to hear that she's been staying home. I'm usually not much of a reader at all but I've already read like 6 books since schools been out due to boredom and it's helped keep me busy and entertained and I also have been watching a lot of movies. Anyway, that's all I have to say for my journal entry this week.


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