Journal entry #8

18 3 1

April 20th, 2020

Today it has been 36 days since school has been shut down. There's this guy that goes to my school named Jerome. We were kinda friends I guess. We talked now and then when we're in the same class but I didn't hang out in his friend group or anything. He's a chill and sweet guy and I mean I don't know him that well but we started talking on snap when quarantine started.

He's not on snap much but when he is he talks a little bit at least to me. Since we started talking, I've kind of started to have feelings for him and I told him how he felt because I'm too honest sometimes and can't keep shit to myself unless it's a secret from someone.

He said he liked me too but I don't honestly believe it because on his story that day on snap, he said he hated being single and shit and he's always inactive on Snapchat which makes me assume he has a girlfriend now. We haven't talked as much since I told him how I felt or at least he hasn't been talking much. I've been trying to send fewer things starting today because sometimes I can get lonely and start spamming messages and not stop and I feel like that's secretly annoying him.

I don't know what to say to him half the time either. My friend said we'd be cute together and I think so too, to be honest. The only problem is that I'm 14 almost 15 and he's 16 and I hope he's not one of those guys who only care about sex cause I'm not going to be losing my virginity at 14. I told him I understand if we want to be friends first or want to get to know me better but I don't know how to get to know people well because I'm bad at starting conversations.

He's just been on my mind all the time lately and I hope things start to get less awkward between me and him soon cause I hate awkwardness. I just really need some good advice.


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