Journal entry #2

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April 10th, 2020

Today it has been 26 days since school has been shut down. I haven't even been out of my house to go anywhere other than on walks since March 12th which was my twin's sister's birthdays. I haven't talked to my friend's since before spring break because I'm cut off from access to social media and being able to contact my friends because of my past and to be honest, I've been extremely lonely lately and I really miss my friends and I hate having to be socially isolated because of my mental health and when I tend to isolate myself more, I get more irritable and I'm rarely in a good mood. I hope that my parents will let me soon be able to talk to my friends someway whether it's texting, video-chatting, or social media.

                                  Nothing's really changed over the past week schedule-wise. I'm starting to learn Spanish on my own on this app I have on my phone called "Duolingo". I wanted to do something to help me distract myself from not being able to talk to my friends because lately, my friends are all I think about anymore. I've heard learning Spanish can look good on resumes and I want to take Spanish in high school next year. I call my grandparents who I'm close with every now and then.

                                        Last time I called my Grandpa Tim, we talked about Harry Potter. I've only watched the movies to Harry Potter but I really want to read the books. I took this Harry Potter sorting hat quiz but I'm not sure if it's completely accurate because it said I was a Hufflepuff when really I think I'm more of a Gryffindor. Hufflepuffs are loyal and kind and I'm both of those things most of the time but Gryffindor's are bold and determined people and I feel like I'm more of a Gryffindor than I am a Hufflepuff but the quiz says what it says and the quiz is also by J.K. Rowling who's the author of the Harry Potter books. In the future, I'll retake the quiz. I also hate yellow which is like the Hufflepuff color. I secretly kind of wanted to get Slytherin as my house just cause I'm attracted to mysterious and badass people.

                                      Anyways, enough about Harry Potter. My mom's only been letting me be on my school laptop for 4 hours maximum on weekdays for school and I'm not allowed to use it for personal use which isn't fair because I should be allowed to use it for personal use like every other high schooler and middle schooler in my school district. I do two hours of math and two hours of science every day even though some days I do 4 hours of math one day and the next day I do 4 hours of science. My sisters use my school laptop for school in the morning because I have to share the laptop with them because kids in my school district who are still in Elementary school don't have laptops yet until they get to middle school. Also, since most places are shut down, I'm not able to have appointments with my therapist (for I don't know how long), so that adds on to my frustration. I'm not sure if my therapist does video chat sessions or not but I had to do a google meet (a video-chat site) with my art teacher and at first I was really anxious because I don't like showing my face but I didn't have to turn on my camera after all so I ended up being comfortable on the video chat with my art teacher.

                                          Today, I got my phone taken away because I was irritated and I was supposedly being rude to my dad when really I thought I was just asking him to leave me alone because I was really frustrated at the time and he thought me being frustrated wasn't a good enough reason to want to be left alone so that's why I got my phone taken away. My dad and I are very different people even though some people say were alike. We tend to bump heads and get into arguments a lot. I don't like people touching me and I like to have my personal space but my dad's like the complete opposite and like's to get in people's space (at least the people in my family). I guess sometimes I get that I'm like the only person in my family that doesn't like being touched and everyone else does but I also wish he could respect my boundaries sometimes because I get really uncomfortable when people touch me, hug me, or get in my personal space.

                                        Something good that happened today was when I went on a walk with my sister. I've been trying to go on at least 1 or 2 walks a day and I love exercising too because it puts me in a better mood. I also have been writing a lot lately because I love to write and currently I'm writing a story. I  know I've been struggling with having to be home all the time but I know I'm not alone and I'm going to try more at doing things that keep me busy and keep me in a good mood.


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