Journal entry #5 part 1

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  April 12th, 2020

                                          Today it has been 28 days since school has been shut down. I've been on lock-down for a few weeks which means I can't go anywhere unless it's to go on a walk and I can't talk to anyone outside of my house. The only places that are open are grocery stores.

                                       Today is Easter. This morning when I woke up, I was super tired. I feel like I need just 1 hour more of sleep but it's whatever. I thought I was too old to get an Easter basket even though I know I'm still a teenager. I'm glad I'm with my family for Easter because (I don't really want to go into detail) I wasn't with my family last year for Easter and they could only visit me for like an hour.

                            My favorite thing I got in my easter basket was either Swedish Fish, Haribo gummy bears, or Reeses Pieces. I don't like Sweet tarts so I gave my box of them to my younger sister in exchange for a few little bags of Swedish Fish she didn't want.

                           I rarely get candy from anyone or eat candy in general so I'm happy to get all this sugar. I l love sugar because it makes me hyper and when I'm hyper, I'm in a good energetic mood until the sugar wears off and I'm really tired. When I was a toddler, my grandma called me sugar britches because I love sugar so much. I've got a sweet tooth for sure.

               For lunch, I ate with my family at my kitchen table. I was having quarantine easter. My mom cooked ham, mashed potatoes, breakfast casserole, macaroni and cheese, and biscuits.

              I'm usually very picky so like the only thing I ate was a biscuit, a little bit of macaroni and cheese, and then like a piece of ham. I sometimes try to eat healthy but ever since I've been locked down in my house, my mom has got like nothing really healthy at all. The only reason I try to eat healthy is because of my poor self-esteem and because I'm already a Lil fat rat and all I eat is junk and I'm already kind of chunky. My mom says she thinks I've had body image issues but personally, I think I'm just overweight for my age and I don't see it as a problem to try to eat healthy. I mean it's not like I'm starving myself or purging but that's how my mom acts like when I try to eat healthy.

Authors note - I'm sorry if me talking about this is triggering and I don't intend to trigger anyone. I'm just kind of using this as a way to vent because I have no else to talk to about my problems other than my parents and there's like no way I'm doing that because all they do is be judgemental and criticize me for everything 24/7.


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