Journal entry #13

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May 8th, 2020

Today it has been around 54 days since school has been out. Honestly, it feels like it's been way longer than 54 days but that might just be because I haven't been out much. I've been watching a lot of Netflix and movies in general lately. My favorite movie I've watched recently is called countdown. It's about this app that these people download where it says the hour, minutes, and seconds you have until you die and in the movie the app is real. I thought it was going to be stupid but there was more to the movie and it was really interesting. I've been trying to get out or workout like once a day at least because I hate being lazy and sitting around all day. I've been doing good and it's been really chill at my house. I mean I do really miss going out to places and I know a lot of people have started already going out again but my mom wants me and my family to wait a while and see what happens to the people who do which is alright with me because I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.

I've been trying to talk to my friends on Snapchat every now and then throughout the day. The other day I noticed since this quarantine that I've been sending more texts to my friends on Snapchat and I probably annoy my friends sometimes so I've been trying to take more breaks from Snapchat throughout the day and do my own thing. Today I have to do 2 art projects because I still haven't done them this week so that's probably what most of my night will look like. I don't like having art online because all the projects have to do with drawing and I suck at drawing. I was looking forward to doing pottery in art at the end of the year but because of the pandemic, I can't do pottery. I hope that next year is a way better year than this year because I've had enough of 2020.

One thing I've noticed about myself is that I might not need therapy as much as I think I do sometimes because I've been good without therapy even though the only reason I haven't been having therapy sessions is because of the pandemic. Even if there's an argument between me and my mom, it's usually only been lasting like a day at the most and what I mean is that we stay mad at each other for like a day and then we get over it and move on. Before this pandemic happened and impacted my days, arguments lasted longer but that might be because my mom has been more open to moving on about things because it's already exhausting being at home all the time and the last thing we both need is to be mad at each other too.

This is really all I have to say for this week so until next time....


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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