Journal entry #7 part 2

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My mom said that she was either going to tell the school about the texts this dude sent me or I would have to so I chose to just because I didn't want my mom giving anyone any false information because she didn't know the whole story. I do regret telling the school about him sometimes because I hate being a snitch but other times I am glad I did because he was a fucking asshole to my friends and he called them names and shit and like a few of my friends became depressed and I could tell him just saying that was making their self-esteem worse.

At the alternative school, he was on the non-IEP side. An IEP is an individualized education program and there's like this written document that's developed for each public school that is eligible for special education. An IEP is reevaluated once a year but before you get an IEP written for you, you have to be eligible for special education. You can get an IEP for many reasons like learning disabilities, depression, really bad ADHD, etc.

               Since he was on the non-IEP side. I had to be on the IEP side even though I didn't have an IEP at this time and I hated being separate from the other kids that weren't on the side of my school but this year at my alternative school, they changed it to where no one's separated and it's now just one big group.

I left the alternative school after 2 weeks of being there because of some shit that was going on In my personal life but to be honest, I was a way more angry and less shy person then I am today.

I don't really know what to add to this journal entry anymore so that's it.


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