Journal entry #7 part 1

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April 16th,  2020

                        It has been 32 days school has been shut down and it's been really boring today. I've just been chilling in my bedroom most of the time. I've been on Snapchat and Instagram a lot today just posting random funny videos I screen-recorded on my story. This morning I called my friend Eli because he needed help with his history. I don't know much about history so I wasn't good at helping. We then talked about random things like video games and just life in general with quarantine. 

                     My friend told me to watch this show called "the 100" so I watched the first episode of the first season this morning and to be honest this show is pretty interesting so far but it's not as good as other shows I've watched. I'm going to watch the 2nd episode of the first season later.

                      A few months ago, I wanted to play Minecraft on my phone but my phone wouldn't let me open the app so I deleted the app forgetting that I wasn't the one who bought the app because my mom signed into her account on the app store and downloaded it and when I deleted Minecraft, it's now saying I have to pay. 

                    I'm broke but my mom said that she could pay for it because she got this art app for my sister on her phone. I want to play Minecraft online with my friends as I did back in the good' ole days. I wish I had an Xbox one or ps4 so I could play video games like GTA 5, COD, and Fortnite. I used to play Fortnite like a year ago but I can't play it anymore because I'm only allowed to play it at my grandparents and I'm not allowed to go there anymore because of my past. 

                     I've been doing four hours of online school each day. Before school had been shut down, I'd been going to a normal school for an hour to do my art class and then I'd go to the alternative school I go to for the rest of the day. Last year,  some shit went on and I missed a lot of school when this shit went on so I got moved to an alternative school full time in March of last year and then after 2 weeks, I got sent to a residential treatment facility. 

                    I got out of the facility 2 days before started which was also a few days after my birthday which is August 8th. My zodiac sign is Leo even though the zodiac facts for Leo aren't always accurate for me. I wish I was a Sagittarius, Scorpio, or Aquarius for some weird reason. For the first semester, I went to only the alternative school. Most people think an alternative school is only for people who get in trouble but that's not the case usually. 

             I mean some people go there by choice and some people go there because they got in trouble or had many discipline points on their record but that just means there struggling with something probably and judging them or telling them to stop what their doing is probably not helping things and is going to piss them off. I know that from personal experience. 

             Last year at the alternative school, it was divided into two groups. One group was for people with IEP's and the other group was for other people. There was this dude that I had a lot of problems with before and he got in trouble a lot so he got sent to the alternative school before I did and when I showed up I thought he was going to bother me but he left me alone.

           Last year, this dude and I were like dating at one point and then later he decides he doesn't want to be my boyfriend anymore and he starts treating me like shit when I didn't even do anything to him in the first place. He kept calling me names over text and shit and then he'd call me names behind my back to his friends and some of his friends were friends with me so they'd come up to me later and tell me what he said. He was just really rude and controlling and I feel like I knew that when we were dating but like I didn't really bring it up. 

                      This, my dudes, is what I call an abusive relationship. Even though he didn't like physically hurt me, he at least emotionally did and that's even worse. I don't bring this shit up with anyone because I don't like talking about my feeling or by myself usually but I love writing so I don't mind talking about this on here. I remember when my mom found out about some texts he sent me after we broke up because she checked my phone once and saw that he'd texted me calling me a whore and ugly and shit. 

                I mean I know I'm not a whore cause I'm a virgin (surprisingly I am because I tell so many dirty jokes all the time) but I already knew I was ugly so that was just like a reality check by him telling me that. He called me some other shit too but I don't want to go into any more detail. I did care about him at one point a lot but obviously I feel the opposite about him now. 


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