Journal entry #4

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April 11th, 2020

                   Today it has been 27 days since school has been shut down. On the news, I've heard there's been problems with people horting toilet paper and there was this part on the news where it said that people were flushing t-shirts and clothing down toilets because people were trying to use clothing garments instead of toilet paper because of this problem. Tomorrow is Easter. Unfortunately, I won't be seeing any of my family members face to face because of the Coronavirus but it's better to be safe than sorry.

                    My mom and dad set up a Google meet (video-chat) with a few of my family members that I usually see on holidays and there going to be video-chatting tomorrow sometime. I've never actually shown my face on a google meet because I get so uncomfortable on camera.

                         I'm one of those people who don't like taking photos or videos of themselves. Same with videos and photos being taken of me. It looks like I'll be having the quarantine version of Easter and I'm not even sure if I'm going to be doing anything with my family for Easter other than the Google-meet. Well anyways, that's all I have to say for today.


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