Journal entry #9 part 2

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Today I made some new friends or I guess they're more like acquaintances because I just met them today and I don't know much about them. I found this girl in my friend's story because she was giving her a shoutout and then this girl had a few friends in the LGBT community like bi, lesbian, and trans who are really accepting but I've mostly been talking to this girl named Caitlyn and this dude named Camryn.

Caitlyn is a lesbian and Camryn is trans and pansexual and they seem very supportive and Camryn is very understanding because he is FTM transgender and understands me questioning if I'm trans. Just a reminder to everyone reading this that sexuality is not a choice same as being trans. You're basically born with it. I hate how straight is always the default though and you don't have to come out if you're straight and don't have to feel the same awkwardness.

I also hate how after some people come out, some people seem to label them and what I mean is when you look or think of the person who just came out, all you think of them is their sexuality. I hope this makes sense. I'm not exactly sure if I'm bi or pan. I like girls and boys but I also once liked this girl I thought was hot at my school but I wasn't sure what gender she was. I just liked her for her and I've also dated a trans dude. I'm not sure if those things make my pan and I'm not sure if I can still like trans people and still be bi.

The last thing I'm going to journal today is that I've been stressed out of what to say to Jerome. I'm not good with conversations over text if I don't know the person really well but I'm good at talking and I'm more myself face to face. In fact when I'm talking to someone face to face, sometimes it gets to the point where I feel like I can't stop talking. Well, that's all I have to say today.


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