Journal entry #9 part 1

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April 21st, 2020

Today has actually been a pretty good day. There have been no problems so far which is great. This morning I mostly watched my favorite youtube "Emma chamberlain". She's not as good as she used to be at being a YouTuber so I mostly watch her old videos. She's really entertaining and relatable. I've been asking my friends for artist, band, movie, tv-show, and YouTuber suggestions because it can get very boring sometimes during this quarantine.

I've also been listening to a lot of music lately. One thing I've learned about myself is that if I'm anxious I can listen to music and once I get used to listening to music my anxiety seems to go away or get not as bad as it was but sometimes it can a while. I've been also talking to a lot of my friends on Snapchat. I'm a really social person but sometimes I spam too many messages and annoy people probably.

There's this dude that goes to my school that I didn't really know before who I'm becoming friends with. His name is Jerome and I mentioned him in my last journal entry. If you didn't read my last journal entry or just need a reminder then he's this dude that I'm starting to fall really damn hard for. He said he likes me back but I don't exactly believe that so I'm trying to get to know him more while also not trying to spam a lot of texts because I know that can annoy people so I'm trying to only text him a few times a day.

Honestly, he's super chill. Like I wish I was as chill as him sometimes. My friend Leslie thinks we would be cute together cause we wear the same clothes or whatever but really what she probably means is that we both wear our black beanies and hoodies all the time. I've always liked wearing beanies but then they started becoming a trend where everyone wore them and then it got annoying and felt like everyone was copying me but I still wear them because I like being myself and it makes me feel more comfortable.


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