Journal entry #12

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April 28th, 2020

Today it has been 44 days since school has been out. Today has been a chill and an easy day. Outside it looks wet and gloomy and it rained for some time today and it's going to rain at least a little every day of the week which means I can't go on any walks this week. I'll try to play on my wii or workout on my own as an alternative to going on a walk. I finished my science class online and I got a c minus which is horrible in my opinion and I haven't got any grades other than c's for my core classes. I'm thinking about watching beginner tutorials for highlighting and shading because my drawings suck and I want to get better at drawing because I enjoy it.

I like doing things hands-on so that's why I probably like drawing so much and drawing takes my mind off everything and I can just be chill and in the moment. I got a new Snapchat account because my other snap account is really old and I created it when I was like 10 and I couldn't change my username so I decided to make a new one. I've been watching this YouTuber named "Emma Chamberlain" on youtube. I'm watching her old videos because I like her old ones better and she was more entertaining when she wasn't so rich like how she is now and she doesn't post as many videos like she used to. She's really hilarious and relatable though and she always puts a smile on my face.

The other day my friend Elijah called me because he's been trying to get me into this game called D&D which is short for Dungeons and Dragons. I don't know much about D&D but he was talking to me about it until he started getting caught talking to his brother and I kept getting distracted and then the call went downhill from there and he put me on mute and I didn't know why so I just left. I told him to call me back later but he never did. I didn't leave to be rude. I was just in a really bad mood and I didn't feel like talking to anyone anymore that day.

Sometimes I get into these antisocial moods where I don't feel like talking to anyone but other times I can be a really social person. I'm just a complicated person in general. I've been trying to go on 2-mile walks or at least 1 mile a day but I can't go on a walk because like I said, it's going to wet and gloomy outside and probably muddy too and at first I wasn't bothered by that but now I'm starting to get frustrated because I hate working out on my own and not being able to go outside because I love the outdoors and going on walks is like a necessity for me. Going on walks and being able to have that exercise is just great for my mental health and self-esteem because I already feel like crap about myself and walking makes me feel less lazy.

I just ate a graham cracker with vanilla frosting and let me just tell it was delicious. I love sweet things. I like both savory and sweet though and I don't really have a preference because sometimes I like sweet better than savory and other times it's the other way around. It just depends. Well, this is all I have to say for today. I guess until next time.


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