Journal entry #10

19 3 0

April 23rd, 2020

Today it has been 39 days since school has been out. I've been pretty bored and lazy lately. I'm going to start trying to make a routine where I'm not so lazy and I'm getting up and doing stuff because I've usually just stayed in my bed with my phone all day. I mean I do online school too but I'm still sitting on my butt and not moving around.

Before this quarantine started, I went on walks all the time or tried to move around a lot every day but since this quarantine started, I've got like barely any exercise which is bad because I eat mostly junk too. My self-esteem and mental health have also got worse and I'm at the point where I don't even have the energy to do anything anymore and I have very little interest in anything anymore.

I wanna see if there are any outdoor hobbies I can try because I love the heat and being outdoors and that might put me in a better mood. My mom said I can use this planting pot that just sits in my driveway since no one uses it and that might give me something to do. I don't have any experience with planting things in pots or planting in general so I might try researching before and see what things I need.

Another outdoor activity I want to try is hunting but I would need to learn from someone the basics and safety and I'm not even sure when hunting season is or anything about hunting in general. I'm really into animals too but I don't think there are any activities I can do since I only have a dog. I want a pet turtle but I don't know what I'd name it. I also want a pet hermit crab so I can name it Mr. Krabs or Sandy.

The last pet I'd want is a duck so I could name it Chuck or Aflac. I've never had a pet other than a dog so I'd need to research ahead of time and I'm broke anyway so I will have to wait till my birthday to ask for any of these pets even though I hate asking for gifts. I haven't said anything to the dude Jerome I'm continuing to get to know. I mean I suck at conversations over text and I don't know how to be interesting.

That's all I have to say for today. Till next time.


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