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They pushed Lauren trail date back to next month and I took two week break away from her. To say I am embarrassed that I open up to Lauren about that, how could I be so stupid? Why would I tell her that? I do feel a bit bad that I yelled at her, I didn't mean to be so harsh and say those things about her.

I took my anger out on her I brought the past back up when it should've really just stayed in the past. But I do have every right to be angry right?

"Here have some tea" he hands me a cup of tea as I silently thanked him, he crawls into bed with me and pulls me closer kissing the side of my neck. I smiled "Thank you for letting me stay at your place tonight"

"No problem it was nothing" I was wearing one of his t shirts and he was shirtless and wearing a pair of grey sweatpants. I placed the tea down sighing, "What's wrong?"

"Lauren and I got into a fight the other day" I say "did she hurt you?" I shook my head "it's more like I hurt her" I frowned "I got into my feelings and I took all of my anger out on her and I said some things that hurt her" Zayn rolls his eyes "oh please, nothing that you said could have hurt her. She kills people for a living y/n. Don't let her manipulate you" be grabs my hand kissing it. "You're right, I shouldn't beat myself up for this" he nods lighting a blunt he takes a hit. I watched as he blows the smoke out of his mouth he glances at me. "What? Wanna try?" I shook my head "no I'm not a smoker"

"Oh come on just one hit" I hesitantly took it from his fingers and brought it to my lips inhaling the toxins letting it go down my throat and then blowing it out. "Anyone ever tell you that you look hot smoking?"

"Has anyone ever told you that?" Jokingly asked him which he cracked a smile "have you seen me? Of course" I laughed lightly as he stood up going into his closet I took another drag of his blunt. A coughing a little I asked "what are you doing?"

His back muscles flexed as he reached for something, he turns around holding his camera "oh god no Zayn I'm not even dressed"

"I think you look beautiful now pose for me" he smirks, and so I did. He took a couple of more pictures of me, some of me with blowing the smoke out of mouth, or me just making faces. "Take the shirt off" I raised an eyebrow "why?"

"I want a picture of you with no shirt on" I smirked "oh you dirty dirty boy" he smirks along with me as I took the shirt off throwing it across the room. "Damn"

"I'm not wearing a bra as you can see, I bet you're happy"

"Oh I am" I stood on my knees moving my hair out of the way posing feeling the high finally hitting me. He snaps the picture and a few more of me. I was now on my back with him on top of me holding the camera. He concentrated on my face before moving a strand of hair out of my face before snapping the pictures. "Zayn?"


"Why are you taking so many pictures"

"Its a hobby I really enjoy taking pictures of beautiful things" I blushed "what are you going to do with all these pictures if we don't make it?"

"Don't worry about that because we will" he pecks my lips "something telling me I'm going to be your last"


Normani p.o.v

"Girl bye, she ditched me for that man. But I'm not even bothered because she needs some good dick in her life. I mean she hasn't been in a real relationship since college I'm proud of her" I held the phone to my ear as painted my toe nails concentrating, while also listening to my other best friend. "Is he a good guy tho? You know y/n always ignoring the red flags"

"I haven't seen any red flags, he basically stays over here now. All they do is have sex though, I'm surprised she's staying at his place tonight-" I stopped talking once I heard something outside my door. "Hold on girl I think I just heard something?"

"Heard something like what?"

"I don't know"

I got out of bed and walked over to my door I slowly open my bedroom door, there was nothing but a dark empty hall. I hummed walking out of my room not saying a word I moved my hand down the wall until I felt the switch and cut on the lights. I quickly walked into the living room no one was in there, the door was still locked and everything still looked the same. I sighed in relief "I think I'm just hearing things"

"Girl, with the polaroid killer on the loose I'm surprised you're home alone" I suddenly started to feel nervous once she brought that up "don't bring that up. I'm by myself tonight and I don't need anyone getting me scared. Besides he's only been killing a bunch of white girls I'm safe"

"Hate to burst your bubble but a black girl just went missing last week" I groaned "Alright Dinah Shut the fuck up!"

"Alright Alright I have to go goodnight"

"Goodnight" She ends the call I squeezed my eyes shut going into the kitchen and grabbing a glass out of the cabinet, I instantly poured some tap water into it and drank it before going back down the hall. I was about to go into my room until I noticed that y/n room light was on, it was shining underneath the door. I sigh "she's always leaving that damn light on"

I open the door instantly stopping in my tracks "What the fuck are you doing here?" Zayn turns around holding y/n binder which she used to take all her notes in. He closes it with one hand "oh hey Normani y/n is freaking out again about Lauren so I came to get her stuff"

"Right? You didn't want to announce that you were here? You scared me"

"I apologize for that I thought that you were sleeping" I nodded "okay well lock the place up before you go" he nods "I will"......

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