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"Oh come on! Dr. Y/l/n tell them that you feel safe around me to take these handcuffs off!" Lauren says with annoyance laced in her voice. Guards look over at me "uh, yeah y-you can take them off"

"Are you sure?"


"Just shout if she tries anything" I nodded as he takes the handcuffs off of her. Lauren rubs her wrist before walking over to me and sitting down "Hey"


The room was silent I open up my book not knowing what to say after what happen 2 weeks ago in here I felt out of place. I said somethings that shouldn't have came out of my mouth. "Um, How are you Lauren?" I asked "I haven't slept in days"

"Why not?"

"Because the beds are uncomfortable and they are refusing to give me painkillers for this headache that's been killing me all week" I furrowed my eyebrows "why not?"

"I don't know"

I scoffed "here I have some Tylenol" I dig into my bag and grabbing the bottle of pills I poured two in her hand "thank you" I nodded "look I just wanted to say sorry about everything that I said the other day"

"Y/n you need to stop apologizing...stop feeling guilty over small things learn how to not feel sorry" I frowned "What I said was uncalled for I could have hurt your feelings. I just-" I paused

"Just what?"

"I just hate that you hurt me and that you don't even care" my voice cracked "and I shouldn't care anymore I'm seeing someone now, and I'm happy"

"You have every right to be upset with me"

"We were together for 4 years Lauren. Do you not care? Did those 4 years together really mean nothing to you?" I finally let tears fall down my face "don't-don't cry I hate seeing you cry"

"I'm sorry" I wiped them away "please just tell me Lauren it's really killing me" she stands up walking over to me I looked up at becoming nervous scared that she was going to hurt me. She gets down on her knees so that we were eye level "I cared so much about you babygirl I'm so sorry I hurt you" I stared into her green eyes the only thing in her eyes was guilt. But was she really guilty?  Could she possibly feel guilt after every thing she has done?

These thoughts ran through my head and I couldn't find the words to say. What do I say? What am I supposed to say? How can I believe her if all she do is lie. "You're just saying that to make me feel better"

"I'm not. What I'm telling you is the truth" she grabs my hands squeezing them lightly and before I know it she's leaning in I closed my eyes letting her lips press against mines. Our lips moved in sync and suddenly the butterflies in my stomach went wild. I wanted to pull away but I also wanted to kiss her.

Am I crazy for liking this?

Am I crazy for wanting to kiss her more?

Am I the one who needs help?

She quickly pulls away from me "I-I"

She stares up at me I try to go back into a kiss but she stops me "I'm sorry"

"What?" She stands up "we can't do this"

"Lauren wait"

"I'll lose my self control" she quickly knocks on the door and the guards open "Lauren please-" she was already out the room. "Dang it!"


"Stop it" I say moving away from the man as I continue to read a book that I forced myself to get into. "What's wrong?"

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