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"Y/N!" My eyes snapped open hearing banging from outside I shot up Lauren was still in the bed next to me sleeping. I quickly got out of the bed and ran out the room and down the hall and open the front the door to see Normani. She looked angry, "I've been out here for 30 minutes what took you so long?!"

"I was asleep, where your key?"

"I left it" she huffs kicking off her shoes "I'm going back to sleep...what time is it?" I asked "7:30 AM" I nodded walking back down the hall. I made sure to use the bathroom before returning back into my room. Lauren was still asleep in the bed, I locked the door before crawling back into the bed, I couldn't help but stare at the woman chewing on my bottom lip. This remind me when things were normal, before I knew what she did for a living. I would stare at her while she's sleeping in a non creepy way, I just liked to admire her beauty. I remember being so grateful for her.

"You're staring me" Lauren spoke opening her eyes I laid down on my side. "Sorry"

"Thought about what you're going to do with Zayn?" I sighed fluffing my pillow and propping it up so my chin was supported on it. "I'm going to break up with him"

"How?" She looks over at me. "Does it matter?"

"yes, he's a serial killer y/n you can angry him to the point when he wants to kill you. It's like a death wish" I groaned "then what am I supposed to do Lauren?!"

"You can always run away with me"

"I'm serious" she rolls her eyes turning to her side so she was facing me. Her elbow was propped up so she could rest her side of her face on her palm. How does this Zayn look anyways? I hope he's at least attractive"

"He's actually very attractive"

"I bet he is if you let him take-" I stood up grabbing a picture that I took of him on my dresser "pictures of you naked" I plopped back on the bed showing her the picture the smirk that was on her face drops "what? Do you know him"

She stares at the picture her fave hardening and her jaw clenching. "Lauren? Do you know Zayn?" She luck her lips "no"

"Don't lie to me"

"I said no" she repeats handing me the picture and standing up "where are you going?" I asked "your friend is here and it's to risky" she says grabbing her jeans and sliding them on. "You can't leave in broad day light! You can get caught"

"I won't...don't worry about me" she says "I have some business to attend to,  I'll be back tonight" she walks over to my window. "Lauren Wait" She turns to me. I grabbed a phone out of my dresser and toss it to her which he catches with one hand. "I'll get the data turned back on it, be careful" she nods hopping out the window. I watch her throw her hood on before running down the side walk.


"Have you heard from Zayn?" Normani asks which made me shift in my seat uncomfortably "no why?"

"I let him borrow my camera that my grandfather gave me...you know the big one, and I need back. He's had it for 2 weeks" just thinking about the idea that he's using that camera to take pictures of his victims made my skin crawl. And it made me a little emotional as well.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Normani asks walking over to me she wipes the tear that manage to fall down my cheek. "Nothing"

"Is it Zayn? Did he do something to you? Did he hurt you?" I shook my head "no it's really nothing, I just got something in my eye" I quickly turned away rubbing my eye. My voice cracked which gave it away that I was indeed crying. Normani rubs my back "It's just my hormones that's all" she nods "that time of the month?"

"Sure" I stood up. My phone vibrates notifying me that I have a message

Zayn: Hey baby I'm going to be a little late coming over. Want me to bring dinner?

You: you actually don't need to come, normani is having relationship problems and I need to be there for her

Zayn: That sucks well I hope she's feels better :(

You: sorry bby

Zayn: it's okay I'll ttyl

I didn't reply back I just sat my phone down. Becoming worried that Lauren is in some type of trouble. It also angered me that I let another serial killer into my life that easily. It's like my life is like some movie or book, how can I trust anyone anymore?

What if Normani is a serial killer? My mom could be a serial killer, anyone around me can be one.

"Are you sure it's just hormones" I nodded "yeah" I cleared my throat standing up and walking into my room and plopping on the bed. I found myself grabbing the pillow that Lauren slept on last night and holding it to my chest. I grabbed my laptop off the stand next to bed and open it.

The Polaroid Killer


Age unknown

Deaths 10+

Identity unknown

I have no proof that Zayn is the serial killer, and if I rat him out and they can't do anything about it he will most definitely kill me.

The Slitter (Lauren Jauregui)


Age 26

Deaths 30+

I know for a fact that Lauren knows Zayn, she made it so obvious. But how? And why did she lie about it? Especially at a time like this?

My phone buzzes again

Zayn: Lauren hasn't tried to get in contact with you right?

Why can't he just leave me alone? I clench my jaw

You: No

Zayn: ok I'm just trying to make sure you're safe

You: so you can get to me first?-

I erased the message cutting off my phone.

Maybe I should go with Lauren but what if she turns on me and kills me? How can I trust her? What if this is all some type of plan that she made up?

What if Zayn is innocent?

What if I'm helping the wrong person?....

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