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My eyes fluttered open and suddenly everything that happened last night hit me like a truck. I sat up in the bed and turned to me side and she wasn't there "No" I panicked getting out of the bed and looking into the bathroom that was connected to my room she wasn't in there either. "No no no! Lauren?! Baby where are you?"

I ran down the stairs and into the living room she still wasn't there. My eyes started to burn I prayed that she was in the kitchen but when I turned that corner it was empty. "it's okay y/n she'll be back"

Last night we had an argument a really big one but then we later made up by making love and I was hoping to talk to her about everything that we argued about last night, I want to apologize for all the shitty things I said to her. I slowly walked back to my room trying to contain the tears I open one of the drawers to see that her clothes were still in there. I sighed in relief still breaking down

Lauren has me wrapped around her finger without her even trying. I don't know what I'll do without her in my life. She can't leave me I need her. "Hey baby are you awake- what's wrong with you?" I looked to see Lauren with a big Chic-fil-a in her hands. I squeezed eyes shut "I thought you left me" I squeaked out. She frowns placing everything down and getting on her knees so that we were eye leveled now that I was sitting at the edge of the bed. "I would never leave you"

"You said you were going to last night" I cried out "I only said that out of anger, baby you are my world why would I leave you?"

"I'm not the best person to be with"

"And you think I am? Look we all have our problems but I rather work all of our problems out together okay? I love you"

"How are you going to ask me a question and not even listen to me?" I blinked my eyes looking up at her green eyes, she smirks raising an eyebrow "sorry, I was just thinking"

"About what?" I shook my head "it's nothing important. Can you repeat what you said?" I asked trying to change the subject "I feel like something is bothering you. Tell me"

"Nothing is bothering me" she scoffs "really" I could feel myself getting aggravated by here constant nosiness. "It's really none of your business so leave it alone" I raised my voice "and repeat what you said" she raises her eyebrows shocked that I raised my voice at her yet again this week. "I said that I don't recall murdering any twins"

"You don't recall a lot of things" I mumble "Excuse me?"

"You don't recall the murder of Jennifer Gonzales" I slammed the picture down of the girl to show her "I never seen her before in m life" I scoffed "right Bc she was found in a public place with a slit throat which if I can recall is your signature thing! I'm guessing you don't Recall Keisha Stewart either huh?" I slammed another picture down showing her.

"I-I don't recall"

"STOP LYING TO ME LAUREN I KNOW YOU KILLED HER! WE ALL KNOW" I stood up angry at her because all she do is lie, she has never told me the truth and I'm sick of it. "If I would have killed these girls you know I would have owned up to it."

"Bullshit you're a liar"

"What's wrong with you?" Her leg started to shake it's what she did when she was trying to calm herself down "the question is what's wrong with you? These girls was also killed on the 20th also in alphabetical order and you're trying to tell me you didn't kill them"

"You keep asking me about these two girls as if I give a fuck about them! I DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE!" She yells "AND IF I DID I WOULD TELL YOU!"

"You're sick"

"You're starting an argument over nothing"

"I'm starting an argument because you're a cruel person who doesn't care about anyone but themselves who constantly lies and and-"


"And-and you've killed so many people! Do you not feel bad?! Do you not feel Guilty?! How can you sleep at night knowing that you've taken innocent lives?! you're a piece of shit! A monster, a psychopath! You're disappointment!"

"You're so lucky I can't get my hands on you, I would snap your neck" I scoffed "you're disgusting" she smirks. "You don't understand how addicting it is, to watch the life slowly leave their bodies."

"God, you're sick!"

"The power that you have, the feeling of being in control is so" She pauses looking at me in my eyes "it's so satisfying. It kinda turns me on" I cringed in disgust.

"So that's it? You kill because you want power? You're in here for life how stupid can you be?!"

Her eyes harden the light color that was there soon darken. "I haven't killed in months but just know if I could kill anyone again it'd be you"

"You don't scare me Lauren! You never have and you never will. I have the power now! and I'm in charge matter of fact you have a court date tomorrow and I can't wait to tell them that you deserve life maybe even even death because what you did to those poor girls, and what you did to m-" I stopped myself from finishing my sentence. I turned away from her.

"You're not mad at me for what I did to those girls, you're mad at me for what I did to you" I rolled my eyes "as if I'd be upset over something that happened years ago, I'm over you I could care less"

"But are you?"


She sat there she had this look in her eyes but I couldn't figure out what she was feeling. "Then why are you mad at me?"

"Because you're a serial for Godsake!"

"Are you mad at me or are you mad at yourself?" She asked "I'm mad at-fuck it I'm done!" I grabbed my things "y/n wait-"

"No! I'm not going to let you play with my mind like this!"

"I'm just sitting here love, you're the one doing all the talking. And you know I rather listen you yell at me then go back into the cell so please just stay" she begs "I'm sorry for whatever I did that hurt you"


"So you are mad about that"

"What do you think?" She didn't say anything she just looked down at her lap. "I cried and I cried and I cried hoping that you would come back and you didn't! You left me to be all alone and you don't even feel bad about it! And you expect to just smile in your face and act like we were never in love!"

"I wasn't expecting you to smile in my face, I was expecting this" she says calmly looking back up at me, I walked over to her "and you don't care huh?"

She didn't say anything "Answer me!"

She still didn't say anything, "Fuck you Lauren"

I walked towards the door "I never stopped caring about you" she quickly says as I opened the door. "I never thought thinking about you"

"Then why didn't you come back!"

"Because" she looked as if she was struggling to express her feelings "because?"

"Because I didn't want to- never mind just go"

"Tell me!"

"I SAID GO!" She finally shouts "fine"

With that I walked out the room and suddenly tears were falling down my face. And my heart ached with every step away from that room.....

Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates and a hello from me :)

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