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"I can't believe they're doing this...getting along with everyone as if they aren't trying to kill us" Lauren says staring outside through the blinds "what do you expect them to do? Be anti social?"

"Yes! They're bringing too much attention, look at all of those people!"  Lauren whines as I leaned against the wall "let's just go over there-"

"No!" She says quickly making me roll my eyes "He'll hurt you! He's a serial killer for Christ sake!"

"you are too and I slept with the both of y'all I'm pretty sure I can handle him" I pushed her out the way as she glares at me, "don't remind me that you slept with him and I'm not going over there i'll lose it if I see his face" she says grabbing my arm "I'll be back just stay put"

"Y/n no-" she tries to stop  me but I was already out the house as I walked across the street and onto our neighbors yard. I pushed past everyone and going inside the house and into the back yard to see Zayn cooking on the grill. I walked straight up to him "oh well if isn't my favorite neighbor, want a burger-"

"Cut the bullshit Zayn why the fuck are you here?" He looks down at the grill flipping a burger "I'm protecting you" he says with a straight face. "Protecting me? I don't need your protection!"

"But you do" he says seriously "you don't know what you got yourself into, and you're only digging yourself deeper and deeper into something I'm trying to stop" he hissed clenching his jaw "I know exactly what I'm getting myself into-"

"NO YOU-" he calms himself down"no you don't!" He says through his teeth "if you want to talk about this we can talk later on tonight. But not now! Now either go socialize or leave and come back around 11 pm" he turns away from me. I turned around and walked away and out of his house and back to my place. "Well?" Lauren says "he won't tell me anything he keeps saying he's protecting me"

"From what?"

"I don't know" Lauren sighs "maybe I should talk to him" I shook my head "if you do you might hurt him, he also has a short temper-"

"Y/n I know this, I know him more then you'll ever do. He's nothing that I can't handle" I rubbed my forearm sighing, I sat down on the couch next to her "but would you be able to control yourself? You wouldn't hurt him would you?"

"He deserves it"

"But you can't"

"Why not?"

"Because we need him to find out who the Hell Vanessa Morgan is! That's why . Now stop thinking violence for a minute, we're meeting both of them at 11 tonight" she groans "so please behave yourself"


"Would you guys like some wine?" Normani ask "No" I couldn't take my eyes of the girl, I was beyond worried and scared that he was forcing her to do things and was hurting her. "Can we get this over with?"  Lauren huffed "Zayn showering right now"

"Of course he is" Lauren grumbled. The room was quiet for about 30 minutes, Normani was on her phone, Lauren was chipping  the nail polish off of her nails shaking her leg nervously leaned over with her elbows supporting her on her lap.

"Thank you guys for waiting" he smirks running his fingers through his dark wet hair. I placed my hand on Lauren knee "Lauren...long time no see"

"How much money do you need to stay the fuck away from me and my girl?" His smirk grew "I don't want your money, and I'm going to be right by y'all side the whole time because. Because hot head over there made things worse" I rolled my eyes "made what worse?"

"Our lives, I've been trying for years to get in contact with you and you never once tried to get back. Someone is out to get you. Kill you. And I'm the only one who can stop it" Zayn says seriously "who"

"D-Do you know who Vanessa Morgan is?" I asked making Zayn look over at me "yeah I do actually" he leans back in his chair with his ankle on top of his knee. "Did you kill her?"

"Me? No, but Lauren most definitely did" Lauren Chuckles bitterly "Vanessa isn't even interesting enough to catch my attention and plus I remember all of victims"

"You sure Lauren?" He smirks making Lauren eyes darken "What are you trying to get at?"

"Admit that you know who Vanessa is"

"I don't know who she is" she sounded annoyed. "Right because she randomly went missing when you were at that same protest"

"And where were you exactly?" Lauren question back, "I was there too"

"Doing what?" Lauren asks leaning over, he shrugs "I was with a couple of lads protesting, while also watching y/n" he says as if nothing was wrong "what do you mean watching me?"

"Had to keep you safe"

"From what?"

"Look who's sitting beside you" I rolled my eyes glancing at Lauren who did the same "so you didn't get with me because you actually liked me? You did this because you wanted to 'protect' me?" He didn't say anything I could see the guilt in his eyes. But he kills people for a living he's not guilty at all, he doesn't know how to feel. "Wow"

"Does it matter y/n?" Lauren snapped at me "No, just a very dick move! What were you going to do after you were done? Leave me?!" I asked feeling a bit hurt that I was played once again. Lauren scoffed "why does it matter y/n?" I was about to answer but Zayn cuts me off  "look  if you want this all to be over just confess you know who this Vanessa girl is and then tell us where you burry her at" Zayn says before Lauren could say anything to me. "I don't know who Vanessa is!"

"I don't believe you"

"I don't care what you believe! If you come near my family or even try anything with us I swear to God I will fuck you up!" She yells after standing up and pointing a finger in his face making Zayn clench his jaw in anger. Lauren quickly grabs my arm pulling me up and pulling me outside.

"What's got into you?! I don't think threatening him is going to get us anywhere!" I say once we made it back to the house. "You embarrassed me!"

"Embarrassed you? How?!"

"So you didn't get with me because you actually liked me?" She mocks me "why the fuck are you even asking him that? Do you still like him or something?"

"What? No! I was just curious"

"Why were you curious? Why does it matter if he was using you?" She asks crossing her arms over her chest raising an eyebrow "because Lauren once upon I cared about him, and I still do"

"You still do? Wow I can't believe this-"

"No! Not like that, I've been played too many times and it hurt me that I fell for it once again" she scoffed "whatever" she tries to walk away but I grabbed her arm "do you trust me Lauren?" She didn't answer so I repeated but a bit louder.

"Do You Trust Me!"

"I don't fucking trust Zayn around you! He's Dangerous"

"And you're not" she walks up to me "twist this around on me again!" She threatens "I AM NOT ZAYN! AND I AM ABOUT TIERD OF YOU TRYING COMPARE US!" She shouts in my face. I clench my jaw "you're getting so worked up over nothing"

"Over nothing really?"

"You're angry at Zayn and now you want to take it out on me!" I yelled "this isn't fair! Do not let him get you to you Laur! We dated yeah, but he knows something that we don't. My eyes are only on you! I was upset that I got played, but that doesn't mean I still want him. Please believe me" I pulled her face towards mines. "Believe me"


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