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Lauren p.o.v

I stormed into the room after busting the door open "IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU-" I stopped in my tracks looking at all the screens on the wall. Zayn wasn't in the room, I walked closer to examine them to notice it was videos on each screen but then I realized it was live. I gasped once I noticed someone on one of the screens. Queen sized canopy bed, huge plant on the right side of it, Lamp on the left side of the bed. A dresser with a mirror in front of her bed, it all looked familiar, the dog that was laying on the bed caught my attention 'Nelson' and then it hit me.

It was y/n she was in her bed sleep. A mix of emotions filled me, confusion, saddens, guiltiness, but most of all anger. Why was Zayn watching my girlfriend? Why are there cameras everywhere in her apartment?

"What the fuck are you doing in here!" I clenched my jaw turning the man "why the fuck are you watching my girlfriend!" I shoved him making him stumble back "you need to get out of here" he says angrily grabbing my wrist "no you better tell me right now before I kill you!" I snatched my hands away from him.

"It's none of your business now get out"

"You don't get to tell me what's my business or not when my girlfriend is involved so you will tell me now before I hurt you!" I growled grabbing a pocket knife out of my pocket and pointing it at him, he raised his hands in defense eyes widening but he readjust then as his eyes became darker as he step closer to me "You took her away from me" I scoffed "you got to be Kidding me-"

"You knew I wanted her and you took her right before my hands! And now you're putting her in danger, with this Vanessa girl knowing damn well who her family is!"

"You need to stay out of my business okay! And stop spying on my fucking girlfriend, and I swear to god if you even go near her I will snap your fucking neck do you understand me?!" I shouted "You won't do shit"

"Try me Zayn! I should have killed you the day that I left you can't believe I stayed in touch with you!" I balled up the Polaroid picture of me and threw at him "and stop watching me as well! Get over me!"

Y/n p.o.v

"Our neighbor Ally thinks I'm cheating on Lauren, she called me a slut" I spoke after sipping the smoothie through its straw "why?" I played with the straw looking up at Normani. "Three nights ago I was with Zayn and she saw me leaving out his house and assumed that I was cheating on Lauren" I chuckled "why were you with Zayn?" Normani asks "we were talking about Vanessa, apparently Lauren and Vanessa were dating and she did take her" I clenched my jaw, my mood changing drastically.

Normani noticed and instantly grabbed my hand "girl Vanessa is dead you have nothing to worry about"

"It's not about her being dead, she could actually be very well alive. It's the fact that Lauren left me for that girl and if she did kill her for trying to leave her then she might do the same to me!" I exclaimed which Normani rolled her eyes at "I don't think Lauren would do such a thing"

"You have never seen Lauren angry before, she's very scary" I mumble "Then why go back to her?"

"Because I love her"

"You're constantly scared that she's going to leave you, you're also worried that if something goes wrong and you have to leave she might try to kill you...y/n this isn't healthy at all you need to talk to her or break up" I frowned "I suppose you're right but I can't tell her about fearing she might kill me because she'll ask why and I'll have to tell her about Vanessa and Zayn thinks it's best to not tell her we're working together"

"Zayn is also the same guy who stalked you for years"

"He's also known Lauren longer and knows more of what she's capable of" Normani nodded in agreement "I love her, I don't want to leave...I just want her to be honest with me you know" she nods "yeah, maybe you should threaten to call off the engagement maybe she'll talk then" Normani jokes but that wasn't a bad idea.

I don't want Lauren getting suspicious with this, she already doesn't want me worrying about this whole thing but she already has lied to me so I'm worried and a bit upset. Why would she lie? What doesn't she want me to know about her and Vanessa history together? There have to be more to this story. I need to find out.

Normani and I made our way home and when I got there Lauren was still giving me the silent treatment. She knows something is up, she knows I was lying, and I still don't have a good lie to back up the one she doesn't believe.

"Hey baby" I walked into the room to see her playing the white dog that we still didn't know the name of. She looks up at me and her smiled dropped, which made mines drop as well. "it's been three days how long are you going to keep this up?"

"How long are you going to keep sneaking out the house and lying to me about it?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Stop acting like you don't be leaving to Lauren when I came back you were no where to be found"

"I went for a walk"

"And I can't go for a drive?" She looks up at me "a drive where?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes it does actually, I'm your fiancé If I ask you where you are going, where you are at? Then you have to tell me we're not in America y/n there are people looking for us, trying to kill us and you're leaving at night as if that's not the perfect time to kidnap"

"I'm perfectly safe"

She scoffs "I have known you for years y/n, I know when you're lying to me it's actually pretty useless to do so. Just tell me where you be going"

"I just go for drives Lauren that's it I like to clear my mind"

"So if I go check the tracker that's on the car and see all the locations you've been at, that's going to be okay with you?"

"Why is there a tracker on the car?" I say accidentally getting defensive "for safety measures just in case something happens and the car is taken one of us could track it. Now should I check it?"


"Go for it"

She nods grabbing her phone, I felt a lump in my throat which made me rush to the bathroom, I open the toilet and fell to my knees vomiting up everything that I ate today.

Lauren came behind me holding my hair up and I continued to vomit. "Shit" I cussed "Are you okay?" I nodded wiping my mouth and standing up, I flushed the toilet "I've been trying to figure out this Vanessa case by myself I'm worried and time is going by fast"

"I told you I got it!"

"You also haven't been telling me enough" I mumbled


"Nothing I'm going over to see Normani".......

Round 2 of the game

You successfully passed the first round you guys are now on a date Virtual of course because of Covid-19 you have to think of a conversation starter you have 4 options

Zodiac signs
How nervous you are
You let her start the convo

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