|Mako reactor 8|

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     Gaia- Midgar, 9:30 pm- Night time- Full moon.

Mako...the life force of the planet. Being sucked out by the reactor like it's nothing. It's bypassed by most people how the planet is suffering and dying because of us, but there are people in the world who want to change it. They are known as AVALANCHE.

The train moved fast then came to a swift stop. Shinra workers below talked for a split second then started to check the train, one went to the front and one to the back. The one sent to the front disappeared, making a struggling noise. The second worker turned around in alarm, having heard the sound, a male grabbed him from behind. The guard started struggling when a female came up and kneed him in the stomach, knocking him out. The guard was put to the side as they smiled at each other. Another male with a gun for a arm, dark skin, sunglasses, and was obviously someone to not mess with, came from inside a cart in the train. "Get down here mercs." The big male spoke, his voice was rough and deep. As he started to walk off a male who looked on the younger side jumped from the top of the train. He had blond hair which was naturally spiked, blue and slightly green eyes, a huge sword attached to his back, a sleeveless shirt, black pants that were puffy at the bottom, and boots. His name was Cloud Strife, a Ex-Soldier that used to work for Shinra. "(Y/N)." Cloud spoke, his voice was slightly dark and monotone but fairly normal. "Yeah yeah." A female voice was heard as a girl hopped from the top of the train, (you may change this description of yourself as you may choose but this is how I imagine her.) she had long black and blue hair, purple and green eyes, a double bladed scythe attached to her back, and a outfit that wasn't exactly armor but it made her look nice.


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(Outfit. Looks great right? The scythe is at the beginning. Don't come at me because it doesn't look like something they would wear idc let me dream.)

"We've got company!" The first male spoke as he and the other female started running. "Your up mercs." The big man said. (Y/N) grabbed her scythe along with Cloud grabbing his sword, ready for a fight. "You ready?" (Y/N) asked "When did I ever say I wasn't?" Cloud responded as they both charged at the guards that had appeared. (Y/N) slashed at the guards and combined her skills with a scythe with her skills with hand to hand combat. She caught one of the guards in a choke hold with her legs and flipped, knocking him to the ground. In merely a good 5 minuets the fight was over, and they proceeded forward, finding more guards. The same thing happened, fighting then walking to catch up with the group.
(Time skip to near the reactors core because I'm lazy and don't wanna spoil too much.)

"Never thought a reactors security would be so weak.." (Y/N) mumbles as they fought more. "Hey, don't get cocky, you never know what they could throw at us." Cloud spoke, finishing off the last guard. "Yeah I know..still they could throw something else at us besides robots and guards.." The female said. "You never know, they could throw a huge robot at us." Biggs, the first male who helped knock out the guards said. "Wouldn't that be delightful.." Jessy, the first female, spoke. (Y/N) didn't think they would hear, but I guess they did. She and Cloud stayed quiet for the rest of the time they waited to get the door open, and off they went...

(631 words. Wow. I hope you enjoyed the first part of this book! I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! Peace!)

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