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As they continued on (Y/N) had kept her mouth shut and all she did was push forward, they had finally reached the elevator and they all stood in silence. Barret glared at (Y/N) and she just looked at the ground in silence. Cloud looked at (Y/N), he continued to question why she was acting like this at something that wasn't true. The elevator stopped and (Y/N) was the first one to leave. She walked at a fast pace, trying to walk as far away from the others as possible. (Y/N) had walked to the door at the end of the hall, reaching the T shaped area. She sighed and stopped as the others caught up, they had been running. Tifa stood back and Cloud walked up to (Y/N) grabbing her wrist and pulling her back, going a far enough distance from the others. "What the hell Cloud! Let go of me." (Y/N) yelled. "No." Cloud said plainly.

Clouds POV

I dragged (Y/N) to a different area, away from the others. I'm getting tired of her acting like this. I stopped and pulled her, pushing her to a corner and standing in front of her with my arms crossed. "What's your problem?!" She asked me, clearly annoyed. "My problem is the way your acting." I said glaring slightly. "Why do you even care?! Aren't you too busy being emo to even notice the change in my mood?" She asked bitterly. I looked at her shocked, did she really feel I ignored the way she felt? "What makes you think I never notice the change in your voice when your sad?" I asked. "Because your usually too busy looking at Tifa and being attracted to her to notice it makes me feel uncomfortable!" She yelled. "Look. I'm sorry you don't like the way I'm acting, but you pulling me by the wrist and cornering me is not gonna make me feel any better about the situation." She said getting ready to leave, I stopped her by grabbing her arm and pulling her close to my face. "Then tell me what I can do to make you feel better." I said in a slightly different voice, making her cheeks flush. I used to like Tifa..but that changed when I saw her. She was so happy and exited to be partners while I wanted to be alone. She never had a problem with it, and I liked that she was so exited about it. I stared right into her eyes, they were glistening even in this light. She looked back at me, not saying anything. I saw her eyes dart to my lips for a second then I knew what she wanted, she wanted me to kiss her. I pulled her closer, placing my lips softly on hers, her blush amplified as I kissed her, I was a little taken back when she kissed back but I moved my hand from her arm to her waist, closing the space between us. She moved her arms to my shoulders, after a few moments we broke apart for air. "I'm sorry.." she whispered, her eyes darting down to look away from me. "Never apologize for feeling down, even you can't be happy all the time, even though I'd want you to.." I said making her snicker a bit, her smile returning to her face. Her snicker changed to a laugh, I was kinda confused but I'm just glad she was happy again. "Thanks." She thanked me. "No problem." I said a grin tugging at my lips, and I let it show. "Oh look at you! Mr. tough guy smiling." She teased "ok ok let's go." I said letting go of her and heading back to the others.

(Y/N)s POV

I felt a lot better, and he seemed to as well. We walked back to the others and another hologram of the head of Shinra  was there. I sighed and glared at him. "Ah those eyes...Soldiers I presume?" He asked the robots looking at me and Cloud. "Ex-SOLDIERs." Cloud said. "Once a SOLDIER always a SOLDIER." He said and my glare got colder as I grabbed my scythe and destroyed the little robot closest to me. "Throw it at us already." I said, being more punctual than before.

(Time skip)

We had almost killed it, but something horrible happened, the platform broke under Cloud. It was like time went in slow motion. "CLOUD!!" I yelled reaching out to him, but I was too late, when I had reached him, he pushed me back...


He fell....

Again I'm so sorry it took long. I'll get more consistent once I start this FNAF fanfic. and yes it's a springtrap x reader but it's based off the springtrap and deligh comic (I can't spell lol) so if you haven't watched it I suggest you watch it. OK BYE-

[Love between two mercs] Cloud Strife x reader. Where stories live. Discover now