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Thank you for so many reads you guys! Also enjoy the adorable pic uwu))

(Y/N)'s pov

I was waiting outside Jessies house, Cloud had cycled around back to do something as I just stood there and waited, messing around with the belts on my outfit. They jungled a lot and kinda loudly so I stopped. This is so fricking boring... Maybe they are gonna start dating...she seems to like him and I saw him blushing while talking to her during the bike ride. I thought, getting emotional again. UGH STOP BEING SO EMOTIONAL! if he wants to date her it's FINE! I tried convincing myself to keep from crying all over again. It's not like he'd want me to date him anyway...im related to that asshole...he won't like me..even if I don't tell him...he surly will... I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Cloud come out. "(Y/N)" I jumped as I heard Cloud. "Hm?" I looked over at him, hiding all emotion. "You've been acting strange lately. What's going on?" He asked, crossing his arms. I looked away from him "Nothing" I said plainly.

Clouds POV

I know somethings wrong but I don't know why she won't tell me. "(Y/N) I'm serious. Tell me what's wrong." I said, being a bit more forceful than needed. "Nothings wrong Cloud I'm fine." I could tell she was at the brink of tears. She's always liked to dance...maybe I can make her feel better that way. I sighed and grabbed one of her hands, lacing my fingers with hers. I've never actually liked dancing that much but if it's for this beautiful flower then I'll gladly go out of my way. She looked at me in surprise which made me slightly smile. I grabbed her other hand and placed it on my shoulder then wrapped my arm around her waist, this is one of the times being tall is useful.

No ones pov

They started dancing in place, forgeting about Jessie and the others. (Y/N) blushed intensely and Cloud did as well. "C-Cloud why are you d-dancing with me all of a sudden?" (Y/N) asked, flusteredness showing in her voice. "To make you feel better" Cloud responded. "Is it working?" He asked looking at her questioningly. (Y/N) smiled and sighed "Yeah..it is." She said with a defeated sigh. "Good." Cloud said then the both jumped and let go of each other as they heard someone laugh. "How unprofessional you two." Jessie teased as Wedge and Biggs laughed. (Y/N) looked away, looking like a tomato. "W-whatever.." (Y/N) said grumbling. "Here." Cloud said handing Jessie the keycard he had taken from Jessie's house. "Why thank you Cloud!" Jessie said winking at him which pissed (Y/N) off.

Getting closer to the confession my beautiful readers! Cya next chapter!))

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