|A fight on bikes|

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As (Y/N) and the others continued to drive and fight off some Shinra goons along the way the Shines goons backed off. "What are they doing?" Jessie asked. "Wait who the hell is that?!" Jessie said, seeing a red motorcycle start to drive up to them, the man on the bike attacked Cloud. "A SOLDIER..." (Y/N) mumbled as she sped up clutching her Scythe in hand. She drove up next to the man and slashed at him, yet he blocked it. "Ah! I see! Two of them! This will be a fun little dance!" The man said with a grin on his face, the grin started to irritate (Y/N) already. "Dance? More like us kicking your ass." (Y/N) said without thinking, Cloud shot her a weird look and (Y/N) just looked away irritated. "Well then! The lady wishes for. a fight! That is what she shall get." The man said speeding up.

"Who are you?" Cloud asked as they were in the middle of dodging his attacks. "Me? I am Roche! And the last man you will see once you come to your demise!" Roche said. (Y/N) let out a small growl as she glared at Roche, he was reminding her of someone she hates with everything she has.

A long time of dodging later, (Y/N) drove up next to Cloud. "Jessie get on my bike." She said "What?!" Jessie looked baffled. "Just get on trust me!" (Y/N) said giving her a glare. Jessie got on her bike "take over!" (Y/N) jumped off the bike and landed on Roches. She slashed his engine and then jumped onto Clouds bike "Alright." Cloud mumbled. (Y/N) looked over at Jessie and she winked at her (Jessie winked at (Y/N)). (Y/N) blushed a lot and wrapped one arm around Could, not wrapping both so her scythe wasn't hurting him. (Y/N) laid her head on Clouds back, which made him blush intensely.

"Aww...our ride has come to a end." Jessie said grinning at Cloud and (Y/N), who of which accidentally fell asleep since she was crying almost all night. "(Y/N)" Cloud nudged her and she jolted awake. "S-Sorry.." She apologized as Cloud sighed, making her feel bad.

(I will write a longer chapter in sorry I'm writing this at 4 am and I need sleep. Cya guys)

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