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Ok so I almost forgot about uploading today. So this will be late sorry-))

(Y/N) and Cloud had finished what they were doing, and headed back to the room. They got up the stairs and saw Jessie. "Well aren't you two cute." She said smiling. Cloud crossed his arms and raised a eyebrow at her. "Let's talk in private yeah? (Y/N) you stay out here." Jessie said. (Y/N) nods and Cloud walks into their room with Jessie.

(Y/N)'s POV

Come on (Y/N)! The worst thing that could happen is that they get married. I thought trying to be patient as they talked, she had moved to down the stairs sense she could hear through the door.  "Hey. Shouldnt you be in bed?" Tifa was just arriving. "Cloud is talking with someone. Im waiting here." I replied, trying to sound like I wasn't worried. "Oh. Well good night (Y/N)!" Tifa said as she walked upstairs and went into her room. I sighed and heard another door open. "See ya there!" Jessie said which made my heart stop. See Cloud? Where?! Did I lose my chance?! I thought frantically. When Jessie came down she stopped to wink at me and wave then head off. Oh god I think I missed my chance.. My face went from plain fear to disappointment real fast. "You coming?" Cloud said. "Yeah." I said walking up the stairs.

Clouds POV

As I looked down on her and Jessie I saw her face go to from panic to disappointment. I was wondering why. "You coming?" I said, waiting for her to come up. "Yeah." She replies, now I definitely know something's wrong. She only sounds as bland as I do when we're at work. "Something wrong?" I asked, looking at her as we both walk in our room. "No." She said oddly quick. She seemed to rush putting her stuff away and get into bed. "You sure?" I asked, I know I was being a ass but she's never acted like this unless she was bothered or something was wrong. "Yes I'm sure." She said, annoyance apparent in her tone. I sighed and laird down, turning to face her. She was on her left side, facing the wall. Her eyes we're already closed, so I just closed mine too.

(Y/N)s POV

I started crying, I've never been this emotional for a while. I tried to hold back sobs as much as possible and true calming down but my heavy and shakey breathing could be heard even in the next room over. Stop! Stop crying over one boy! Yeah he's great n all but there are so many other fish in the sea! I tried convincing myself but I just can't get over him. I mean look at him! He's amazing! Hes handsome, his eyes are beautiful, he has really strong arms.. Hell he's strong in general!  I signed and continued to cry myself to sleep.

(Sorry it's so late. I'm having trouble remembering stuff lel-)

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