|Through sector 8|

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Ok. So 28 reads and 8 votes I'm proud of myself! I love that some people are enjoying this!))

'Well that went well.. ' (Y/N) thought, as they had gotten out of the reactor in time, but just bearly. "Come on." (Y/N) heard a familiar monotoned voice come from behind her, shaping her out of her thoughts. "Right." (Y/N) nodded and followed Cloud through the rubble.

It was hard to look at, sector 8 was in flames, buildings collapsed and some coming down. 'Oh god... ' (Y/N) zoned out again, looking at it all. She soon zoned in on what barret was saying, giving a motivation speech. "Your problems, your needs...your fees..." He looked back at (Y/N) and Cloud. Cloud made a small scoff and looked down at the ground to his right with his arms crossed. (Y/N) put her arms behind her back, looking straight at Barret, she wasn't all that scared if him he was just big. Barret wrapped up his talk and then they all started to head out. "Hey. We'd like our money now." Cloud said stopping Barret. "You'll get it when we head back to bace." Barret said and he walked off aswell. (Y/N) scoffed and Cloud sighed as they started to head for the station. Jessie stopped them both "Thanks for saving my life back there." Jessie said holding out two materia, one blue and one green. "We were just doing our job." Cloud said declining the offer. "Well still. It was cool." Jessie grabbed Clouds arm and put the blue materia in his hand. Jessie then reached out for (Y/N) but because she doesn't like people who she doesn't know well touching her, she pulled back. Jessie gave her a little confused look but then just handed it out to her. (Y/N) took it carefully and put it away in her scythe. "(Y/N) follow me. I wanna talk with you on the way to the station." Jessie said. "I-I should really be staying with Cloud-" "Go. I'll find my own way there." Cloud said looking (Y/N) in the eyes, which he rarely does. It made (Y/N)'s cheeks flush red and she nodded, following Jessie. And with that...they split up.

(Y/N) Pov

I followed Jessie with my face flushed pink. 'Why does Cloud have to be so hot?!' I asked myself in my head. "So, question...Why do you always stay around Cloud?" Jessie asked out of the blue. "We're partners. Why wouldn't I stick with my partner?" I asked with a normal tone. "Well it's like wherever Cloud is your close behind him ya know? And Cloud seems like that type of person to want his space. " Jessie said. 'She's right..maybe hes feeling uncomfortable.. ' I thought silently. Jessie seemed to notice how quiet I got, and tried striking up a conversation but I just ignored it. I appreciate her effort but after that I don't think im up for doing much talking, just thinking."Well here we are. " Jessie said and I looked up to see the train. We got on and got in a cart that was kinda empty. Barret shortly came in after us, then Wedge then Biggs. We waited a while but.. No Cloud. 'The train is leaving soon where is that spiky haired idiot.. ' I thought. Soon enough the train started moving. "Did Cloud miss it?" Jessie asked. I stayed put, my eyes closed and my eyes closed with my back on the wall. "Looks like cloud won't be joining us" Wedge said, and then the door was hit, like a knock but with something hard. Barret and Biggs both went to each side of the door, their backs also to the wall "on three..one..two.." Bigs opened the door and in came Cloud. 'So dramatic..' I thought with a 'tch' "Glad to see you made it Cloud." I said looking him up and down. He made a small noice and then stood next to me. "We're easy to spot here. Let's head towards the front." Barret said. Everyone nodded and started walking through the carts.

(701 words! Fun! This is a longer one to make up for the short second chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned~)

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