|Head Aches|

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They headed out for the area. (Y/N) noticed Clouds tenseness and she wanted to hold his hand, but she held back and just kept to herself.

(Time skip to when the signal is shown and all that.)

(Y/N) and Cloud walked through the door, Cloud ran off to the left and started attacking soldiers while (Y/N) stood in her place, watching. Someone shot at her and her head mood to the side, the bullet missing. Cloud looked at her, taken back by how fast she moved her head. (Y/N) then ran into the fight, stopping half way through. She groaned, grabbing her head in a swift motion as a strange pain started pulsing through her head. A laugh was ringing in her ears. Cloud continued to fight, trying to keep them away from (Y/N).


The voice said, it felt like she was being stabbed every time she heard the voice. It felt like venom

"(Y/N)~ Hows my little darling sister hm?~"

(Y/N)s head pounded, like someone was banging on her skull. with something hard.

"Come on~ come home!...mothers waiting~"

She groans as she felt like screaming...

"Come home...im waiting..."

And then....

It all went black.

[Love between two mercs] Cloud Strife x reader. Where stories live. Discover now