|The cost of the dress|

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"Wait a second...So your telling me...That we are getting a hand massage for 3,000 Gil..each?!" (Y/N) asked, perplexed about the situation.
"Yes, your ears don't deceive you my dear. What, can't afford it?" The newly named Madam M asked, teasing.
"Ugh...fine I'll pay." (Y/N) said obviously not happy about it.
"Good! Good!" Madam M said clapping her hands in joy.
(Y/N) payed and her along with Cloud were taken to the back.
"Cloud will be first, you are next dear." Madam M said closing the curtains that separate the two areas.
A few minutes had passed by, but due to the sounds that came from Cloud, (Y/N) started getting nervous.
'What is she doing to him to make him sound like that?!' (Y/N) thought frantically, a light blush showing on her face, she's never heard those types of sounds come from Cloud so it's embarrassing to hear.
"Alrighty then! Now for the other one!" Madam Ms voice piped up from the other side of the silk curtains.
'Oh shit oh shit oh shit!' (Y/N) thought, her heart seeming to stop.
'It's ok! You got this (Y/N)! You've been through worse than a simple hand massage!' She thought to herself, it wasn't the hand massage it's self that scared her..it was the noises she might make and the things Cloud might hear that frightened her.
"Hm? You seem frightened my dear." Madam Ms voice cut through (Y/N)s thoughts.
"Nope. I'm fine." She said laying down on the table.
"You seem like a handful..." Madam M said, picking up (Y/N)s hand and lightly stroking the tough but soft and silky skin. (Y/N) shivered, a tingling sensation running down her hand and arm to the rest of her body like a currant of electricity.
"Did that hurt?" Madam M asked with a slight smirk.
"No.." (Y/N) responded, feeling extremely...relaxed in a way.
The massage continued, and a few noises came from (Y/N), making her blush.
"Lastly...the palm.." Madam M said as she started to massage the palm of her hand.
(Y/N) jolted a bit and a louder than expected moan came from her mouth, surprising both her and Madam M.
She covered her mouth and her eyes widened in shock and embarrassment. "Sensitive are we?" Madam M asked.
She continued and finished the massage, allowing (Y/N) to walk out with a full blush covering her face. "How did it feel?" Aerith asked. "F-Fine.." Cloud answered. "(Y/N)...?" Aerith looked at her as she walked to a corner and leaned against the wall. 'They heard it...I can tell..' (Y/N) said glancing at Cloud who had been staring at her then looked away. "So. What do you want." Madam M asked. "We want to get into the Mrs.Cornaio audition." Aerith said. "Well...not looking like that you won't. I'll get you a dress that makes you look like a million Gil!" Madam M said. "How much." Cloud asked. "What I said. But don't worry, there's another payment. There's a fighting tournament that gives a million Gil to the winners, if you do that and get me the money, you'll get your payment." Madam M said. (Y/N) nodded. "We'll do it" She said as Cloud and Aerith looked back at her, she had confidence and determination in her eyes. Cloud grinned slightly and Aerith teased him for it a bit. 'Thats my girl...' Cloud thought.

(Sorry this is short! I have school work to do but I promise I'll update again! Cya my lovely Cloud Simps!)

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