|Cool down|

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(Y/N) sighed and chuckled slightly. "You know..that kiss helped my voice." She said attempting a flirt but kinda failing since he was a bit intimidating in the first place. "Oh really? Glad i could be of service for my flower." Cloud teased, then realized what he said and blushed slightly 'Shit..didn't mean for that to slip out..' Cloud thought, slightly panicked. (Y/N) chuckled, "Thank you my strong Ex-soldier." They both laughed a bit then let go of each other. "Here. Ill give you your knife back.." Could said handing the knife back to her. (Y/N) went to grab it before Cloud lifted it out of her reach, "If you promise to act more mature and not try and kill that woman in there. You haven't been acting professional at all lately and you need to get back in the habit of doing that." (Y/N) rolled her eyes and sighed "Fineeee." She groaned "You act like I haven't noticed." She said and grabbed the knife from Cloud, putting it away then walked back inside to see Aerith laughing. "What's so funny." (Y/N) asked. "Your little make out time outside!" The woman in the kimono said also laughing and (Y/N) blushed furiously. "YOU WERE WATCHING?!" She asked.

(I'm so sorry it's so short it's all I had time for right now I wanted to get it out before someone got mad also 22.8k reads?! Are y'all insane?!)

[Love between two mercs] Cloud Strife x reader. Where stories live. Discover now