|Hurt Fellings|

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So I'm going to be uploading more than one if possible today. Ive got my creative spark back so I feel like writing a bit more. Hope you enjoy!))

(Y/N) and Cloud walked up to the train tracks the next night. Jessie greets them. "(Y/N) you alright? Your eyes are red and puffy." Jessie asked walking up closer to her. (Y/N) backs up to keep her distance "I'm fine." She said looking away. Cloud looked at her in concern, she usually stands her ground, and never looks away from someone. Cloud puts a hand on (Y/N)s sholder. She shrugged it off "Can we please leave?" She asked. "Not without these!" A voice said as Biggs and Wedge showed up, with bikes non the less. "Someone lent us some bikes." Biggs said with a smile on his face. "You two knew?" Jessie asked surprised. "Figured you wanted to see your parents, youve been acting weird lately" Wedge said, also having a smile.

"Alright. Cloud with Jessie, Wedge with Me and (Y/N) has her own bike." Biggs said giving Cloud a bike and (Y/N) a bike. Cloud and Jessie got on their bikes, (Y/N) got on her bike and started to speed off. "Wait you don't even know- ugh! Is she always like this?" Jessie asked Cloud as they drove after her. "No she's not shes been acting this way ever sense you talked to me." Cloud said holding his sword in one hand and one of the bike handles in the other. "I probably can guess why." Jessie said as she hung onto Cloud.

After a few minutes of driving they finally caught up to (Y/N). Her face looked slightly red in anger and she started driving faster but then noticed she was gonna go to fast so she slowed back down to the speed she was at. "(Y/N) do you even know where we're going?" Jessie asked "Sector 5 right?" (Y/N) replies. "Yeah but-" "I'll meet you guys there." (Y/N) said "(Y/N). Stay with the group." Cloud said giving her a demanding look. (Y/N) stopped her bike as the others drove ahead. 'Why am I acting like this?!' (Y/N) asked herself as she started driving again, staying in the back. "God she can be so annoying.." Cloud mumbled.

Clouds POV

"Hey Cloud?" Jessie asked, here we go, questions. "Yeah?" I replied not taking my eyes from in front of me. "Do you like being around (Y/N)?" Jessie asked. "Why would you ask that?" I responded generally confused about the random question. "Well you look like the type of guy who would wanna be on their own ya know? She's always hanging around you so I thought you might not like that." Jessie said. So this is why (Y/N) tried to leave..and thought we should split..she was always the gullible one until 3 months into being a soldier.. I thought. "At first I didn't like her around. But we're partners and it was our choice to stick together so I guess you could say I like having her around. She's lively and full of energy, it's always nice to have someone like that around." I said rambling. "So it's true what they say, you are a big softie on the inside huh?" Jessie said I grumbled and blushed at what I said. "Heh." Jessie chuckles as we continued to drive.

I shall make another one! The confession is gonna come I swear I'm not holding out on you-))

[Love between two mercs] Cloud Strife x reader. Where stories live. Discover now