|Ariving at Sector 7|

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"We're almost there." Barret said as he was sitting down after yelling at 3 Shines supporters. (Y/N) made a noise to let him know she had heard him, she was leaning against a wall with her eyes closed, Cloud was too. They often did this if they had something on their mind or just wanted to shut down a bit. The train slowed to a stop, sector 7, we'll the slums at least. Barret and the others got off, along with (Y/N) and Cloud close behind. 'Its nicer than anticipated.' (Y/N) thought looking around a bit. Barret and the others looked fairly happy as they all started taking off "Don't forget to head to 7 Heaven. Where Tifa works." Barret said directing his words towards Cloud and he simply nodded. (Y/N) hadnt met Tifa yet, but she's heard a bit from Cloud about her. "(Y/N) lets go." Cloud said, snapping (Y/N) out if her thoughts. She nodded and followed Cloud to a bar. They saw a tall female acompanyed by a small girl. "Daddy!" The small girl said running up to Barret. "Hey princess! How was being with Tifa? Was she nice to you?" Barret asked as they headed inside. "Hey Cloud!" The taller female said. 'I'm guessing this is Tifa.' (Y/N) thought. "Hey Tifa." Cloud said plainly. "Who might you be?" Tifa said smiling at (Y/N) "(Y/N)" She said. "Nice to meet you! Come on in!" Tifa said leading them inside. "Our money?" Cloud asked Barret. "Talk to Tifa, she deals with that" Barret said Cloud sighed as Tifa told him that it won't be ready until tomorrow. Cloud walked up to the small child slightly and she ran to hide "The hell you think your-". Barret started as he got up to grab cloud but (Y/N) stood in the way "he didn't do anything to her back up." (Y/N) said, looking... Angered? Barret scoffed "Daddy said not to talk to strangers.." The child said "What a good girl you are to remember daddy's lessons! And you know what else good girls do? They go to bed in time!" Barret said grabbing her and heading to put her to bed. "Come on. I'll show you two your rooms." Tifa said leading them outside and towards a apartment place. They went to the second floor and walked to the first door "My room." Tifa said and then walked to the second door "Your room." She said. "Aren't these one room apartments?" Cloud asked. "We put a inflatable mattress in for you! There aren't anymore rooms open so you two have to share this one, sorry!" Tifa said (Y/N) walked in and put her scythe in the closet. She sighed, stretched and lays on the inflated mattress. "What are you doing?" Cloud asked as he had walked into the room. "Laying down whatelse?" She asked looking up at him. "You sleep on the bed I'll sleep here." Cloud said. "You sure?" She asked. "Mhm. Go. " Cloud said as he took his Sword and put it away. She shrugged and got up, climbing in the bed and letting out a heavy sigh. "Where are we gonna go after we get our money?" She asked. "Sleep now think later..." Cloud said flipping in his side, his eyes already closed. 'He looks really tired...' (Y/N) thought. She shrugged again and closed her eyes, falling into the wonders of the dream world.

(Y/N) woke up, it was still really late. She got up carefully, trying not to wake Cloud up, grabbing her weapon out of the closet, and walking out of the door. She looked around and no one was out, thank god. She went down the steps and started to head to the railroad tracks, the train wouldnt be working but there were bikes parked. (Y/N) went to go and get one of the bikes, thank Six that they didn't need a key. She started up the bike and got ready to go when she heard a familiar blond from behind, making her jump. "Going somewhere?" He asked as (Y/N) flipped her head around, surprise written all over her features. "U-uh I..uhm.." She didn't know how to explain her talk with Jessie. "I-I was gonna l-leave..." She said kinda quiet. "Why?" Cloud asked. "I j-just thought I would be a burden..sense your obviously gonna be here working I thought I'd go." (Y/N) said. "Why would you ever think you'd be a burden?" Cloud asked with a hint of worry. "Y-you just seem like someone who w-wants their space so I thought it would be a good idea to just leave.." She felt kind of ashamed of herself. Cloud was quiet for a while. "I-I'm sorry I-" "(Y/N) (L/N). We are partners. I would never find you as a burden or anything related to it. Your a valuable asset to the missions we take on. We've been together for over 5 years, don't ever think I'd want you to leave." Cloud said looking straight into her eyes, he was obvious serious and not in the usual way. (Y/N) saw a tear fall down his face? Oh crap he's actually sensitive! "..Thank you Cloud..." (Y/N) said looking down. Cloud looked at her confused. "I needed that." (Y/N)'s head raises and she was smiling a lot, she was also blushing a bit. Clouds cheeks flushed as he saw her cute and beautifully bright smile. "Come on lets go back to bed." Cloud said and started taking the lead. (Y/N) nodded and followed him.

(Hey! Sorry for the late update it was my moms b-day and I made a cake for her! Thanks for the support and I hope you enjoyed the extra long chapter!)

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