|Left alone|

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(Ok so for this chapter it starts when Cloud, Tifa, Barret, and (Y/N) are gonna leave the reactor core. Also I'm so sorry for taking so long-)

(Y/N) crossed her arms and shook her head as the leader raised at a strangely perfect time. "We fell into a trap. Should have known they would figure it out." She said walking straight to where 4 Shinra robots make a hologram of some ugly dude.

(Time skip)

"It's live. Damn." (Y/N) said as Barret was raging. She walks back over to the bomb and looked at it for a second. "Aye! Emo! What the hell do you think you're doin'?!" Barret yelled at her, already stomping his way over. "Nothing." she responded coldly. "I sure as hell don't take shit from idiots like you, what are you doing with the bomb?!" Barret spat in her face, grabbing her and turning her body to face him. She scoffed and just walked past him as the main entrance door opened and some shock troopers came up. Tifa looked at them annoyed as if they had ruined something for her and indeed they did, Tifa was pestering Cloud with questions and attempting a flirt. It didn't work how ever, until she asked if he would have blushed if it came from (Y/N). That caused his cheeks to flare up, but of course he scoffed and looked away in annoyance, trying to avoid the topic. (Y/N) stepped up and had finished the last shock trooper, leaving the rest of them behind and going ahead, she didn't get far before they caught up however, seeing as they were running instead of walking like she was. (Y/N) signed and crossed her arms as they all went along, fighting a few battles on the way. They ended up at the area where they were sending supplies and energy cores along with liquid matirea (sorry for spelling I'll edit it later) to the huge robot that was supposed to be their executioner. Cloud had found a key card for the computers, he used it to ambush the robot, taking sone of the stuff it needed to operate at full power. (Y/N) stood in a corner, collecting her thoughts and regaining composer so she didn't spaz out on anyone like Barret often does. 'Why am I even mad? Its not like he was wrong about it...I don't even belong in SOLDIER...or didn't...why do I always get so damn offended easily...' her thoughts pestered her with questions she could or refused to answer herself, she might just end up in a worse mood then absolutely necessary. She shook her head, acting as if she was shaking away the questions along with some of the negativity she was feeling at the moment. "(Y/N)...you doing ok?" Tifa walked up to her as Barret and Cloud figured out the door. "Im fine." (Y/N) said looking away from Tifa, wanting to avoid eye contact. "I know for a fact that your not.." Tifa said. (Y/N) gritted her teeth. "And how the hell do you know that? You don't know me Tifa. This isn't some stupid emotional movie either, this is real life. Don't worry about my problems because their not a concern to you. Now if you would kindly get the hell away from me that would be great." She snapped at Tifa, not really knowing why, she didn't want to tell her off, she just needed something to blow off all the anger she was feeling right now. Tifa gasped slightly as (Y/N) spoke, she had never been yelled at like that before since no one has dared to hurt or talk to her in such a way. Cloud looked over at (Y/N) surprised at what he just heard, he's never seen her this angry let alone heard her snap like that. Tifa nodded and said a soft "ok." and walked over to Barret and Cloud with a few tears in her eyes. (Y/N) took a deep breath and tried to at least just keep her mouth shut. "The hell?! How could you speak that way towards someone who's offering help?!" Barret yelled at (Y/N) for at least the 3rd time today. "Leave her alone Barret." Tifa said. "Hell no! She can't just tell you off and you take it! She just insulted you basically and your telling me to leave her alone?" Barret yelled. Cloud had opened the door and (Y/N) went through.

"In the name of Six please get me out of here.." (Y/N) said in a whisper.

(I'm so sorry this took so long I'll go back to being consistent.)

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