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I was confused, why was he kissing me?! He pulled away for air and I looked at him in disbelief. "C-Cloud I-" Cloud shushed me. "Before you say it, I know what your gonna say. I know I seem like the type of guy who hates the world...but not if your in it. The day we met...when you came up to me and smiled...you talked like there was no Tomorrow...You were so nice and bubbly even after I said I wanted to work alone, you still weren't afraid to speak your mind. I knew I loved you right from that day..ive had my heart stuck in Tifa for so long but then I met you...I may not show it but I didnt just decide to work with you even after being a SOLIDER because I thought it would bring double the money..but because I love working with you and love spending time with you. Everyday you surprise me with new ideas, new thoughts and you get even more beautiful each day. I love your shining eyes and the sound of your voice...long story short..i love you." Cloud confessed, blush stained on his face. I didn't know what to say, I was shaking slightly."C-Cloud I l-love you t-too.." I said kinda hushed since tears had welled in my eyes."Then...will you give me the pleasure of...being your boyfriend? " Cloud had asked, looking deeply in my eyes. I laughed a little, like one you let out while crying and pulled him close, kissing him. He kissed me back, holding me close to him. I loved it..its like the world stopped during it, I shouldnt have been so worried about him and Jessie. I pulled away for air and hugged him, I had just realized I was unbelievably tired at the moment...but I was also in our apartment so Cloud climbed in bed with me. He pulled me close to his chest, cuddleing with me,. We both driffed off into a deep passionate sleep.

"(Y/N)! CLOUD!" I jumped awake hearing a scream, Tifa busted through the door, Cloud jumped up and grabbed his sword and looked at Tifa, she looked worried. "What is it?!" I asked. "Theres things attacking the slums! Barret and Jessie are holding their own for now but I don't know how long they'll last!" Tifa said, she was in pure shock and a bit of fear. I went to get out of bed but winced in pain, using the wall to help me up. "No (Y/N) you need to stay here. Your in no condition to fight right now." Cloud said. "I'm fine. Where's my scythe.." I looked in the closet and found my scythe, I grabbed it and winced again, holding my lower abdomen lightly.. "(Y/N) please just get back in bed ok? I'll be back." Cloud said, grabbing the scythe from me and putting it back. "B-But-" I started then saw the look in his eyes, he was really serious. "Fine..don't die." I said as he headed for the door. "I won't." Cloud said, then before he left he walked up to me and pecked me on the cheek, it made me blush a lot.  I smiled and got back into bed, then he left.

(I wanted to make the end a bit cute. Uwu I hope you all love it- and yes I know the picture is actually tifa and cloud deal with it-)

[Love between two mercs] Cloud Strife x reader. Where stories live. Discover now