|Work time|

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(Y/N) groaned and turned in her sleep, she heard Cloud talking to her but she wanted to ignore it.


"AH! WHAT THE HELL!?" She shot up hearing a loud crash, Cloud had dropped her scythe "We'll then. You awake now?" Cloud asked crossing his arms "Damn it Cloud.." (Y/N) Mummbled as she picked up her scythe and yawned "Come on." Cloud said as he walked out the door and headed down the stairs. (Y/N) let out a heavy sigh and followed him.

"Seriously?" Cloud said, they were talking with Tifa about the money, and she didn't have it! "Oh my gosh..." (Y/N) said looking as annoyed as ever. "I'm sorry guys, we were planning on having the money but we used it for the mission..we can raise the money by selling filters though! "Tifa said and then went into a long explanation on filter selling."Tifa. We're soldiers. Not salesmen..." Cloud said, now he looked annoyed. "Oh come on Cloud! (Y/N) what do you think?" Tifa asked, looking at (Y/N). "W-What I think? I uh...I guess? If it kills time and raises the money we are owed then it can't hurt to try right?" She said looking at Cloud "Fine. Let's get this over with..." Cloud said getting up from his seat and heading for the door, (Y/N) and Tifa close behind.

(Time skip brought to you by Cloud default dancing)

"Well what now Cloud? We have our money." (Y/N) said as she and Cloud walked out of the 7 Heaven. "Hold on.." Cloud said as a few guys walked up to them, mainly looking at (Y/N). "You two part of AVALANCHE?" One asked. "And if we are?" Cloud asked "Tell ya where your damned leader is." He said. "5 thousand." "2" "4" "3. And a extra 5 hundred for the lady.." The man said starting to touch her. (Y/N) looked extremely uncomfortable "I'm not for sale." She said knocking his hand off. "Now now don't be like that!" The dude grabs her wrist. "Come on..let's talk somewhere more private.." (Y/N) scoffed and looked at Cloud, they followed them. "Now, do you know where he is?" The man asked "I told you...that depends." Cloud said stepping closer to (Y/N). "Don't bullshit me!" The man said and then, that resulted in a fight.

Afterwards, Cloud and (Y/N) started heading back to their room to rest, the sun was setting. "Hey Cloud?" (Y/N) said looking towards the sunset. "Yeah?" He replied, looking at her "Do you wanna maybe..get something to eat and watch the sunset? We don't have to if you don't want I just thought it would be fun. Considering we've been working hard." (Y/N) said."Sure why not. " Cloud said."You stay here and I'll go get us something." Cloud said and walked off, leaving (Y/N) by herself. She sat down and sighed.

Five minutes later Cloud came back with some food, it wasn't a lot but it was enough. "Here." Cloud handed (Y/N) a burger and a drink "thanks." She said and smiled at him. Cloud Nodded and sat next to her on a bench. (Y/N) starts humming a tune she was taught as a child, Cloud listened in awe.

'She's beautiful...how did I get so lucky? '

(I ALMOST DIDN'T POST I'M SO SORRY! I got caught up in things. Enjoy this! I'm sorry it's short!)

[Love between two mercs] Cloud Strife x reader. Where stories live. Discover now