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HEY! I'm not dead and I'm finally motivated to edit this story again! I will go back and tweak some chapters and tell y'all in updates when I do, I've recently gotten back into the game and I've been reminded of my long lasting love for Cloud and his pretty eyes. But I wanted to ask, now that part 2 of the game is out I have a few options..
should I...
1) Make a new book that does part one and part two
2) Fix this book then make a separate book for part two
3) add part two onto this book
Or lastly...
4) Do this book then do a different final fantasy book (spoiler alert: My next final fantasy book will be for 15.)

That being said, I'd like to also ask who you would want the final fantasy 15 book to be about.
Here are your options:
1) Noctis (The actual main character)
2) Ignis (The beautiful chef, perfect at almost everything)
3) Prompto (The cute innocent boy. Very funny and is a photographer)
4) Gladios (The big tough guy who can be very bitter at times. He's also got a deep voice)

If you don't know who they are then I suggest you go watch someone play the game or play it yourself.

Lastly, for the final fantasy 15 book, should I make it based on the basic game? Or add Royal addition and all those other parts that make the full story?

Well that's it! I'll be looking forward to your comments and your reading! More parts are yet to come for this book! I know I've left y'all on your toes for months now, and I'm so so sorry for keeping you all waiting. I just wasn't feeling it with this book at the time, but I'm back on track! Thank you for being patient with me! Love you all! ❤️

[Love between two mercs] Cloud Strife x reader. Where stories live. Discover now