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Enjoy the FFXV meme-))
It felt like forever, I tossed and turned in anticipation. I wanted to help, I didn't like feeling useless all the time. I sat up and got out of my bed, grabbing my scythe. "It's a bit beaten up but it's a good one.." I said while running two fingers over one of the blades. "Alrighty, (Y/N) is back in business." I said with confidence and walked out the door, I saw Cloud and Tifa fighting those things and I rushed to help them.

No ones POV
As Tifa and Cloud fought off those things, something happened. They started swarming around Cloud and it was at this moment that he heard a voice he never thought or expected to hear. "Hey there Cloud." (Y/N) said as she fought them off, killing almost all of them. "(Y/N) your supposed to be in bed." Cloud said a hint of anger and surprise in his voice. "No 'Thank you for saving me (Y/N)'?" The female asked as she finished off the last of those shadow things. Cloud tried as hard as possible not to roll his eyes "Why are you out here? Your in no condition to fight." Cloud said with Tifa agreeing "Oh come on! You think I'm gonna hear about you going off to fight something we know basically nothing about and not worry? And I feel fine as long as I don't bend or stretch out too much." (Y/N) said like it was obvious she was gonna come out sooner or later, and it was. "That's not the point I'm trying to make. If you keep pushing your body to do extra work and keep you moving while you fight, that wound won't heal the right way if at all." Cloud explains. (Y/N) sighs, she can't argue with science. She then huffed and crossed her arms "Fine. But I'm coming with you on the next job." She said walking up to Cloud and pointing at him. "Fine by me." He responded. She grinned and bopped his nose then walked off to go back to bed. Cloud looked back at her confused as to what the hell she just did.

(Y/N) woke up with a yawn and a shiver. "God what time is it.." she asked herself looking around and sitting up. "Huh?" She looked at her lower abdomen, it still had bloody bandages on it so she removed them. She lifted her shirt to see that her wound had healed. She shrugged and grabbed her scythe, opening the door and walking out. She went down the steps and headed for the Seventh Heaven. (Y/N) stopped and saw a place that selled food so she went to get some. She then walked into seventh heaven after finishing her meal to see Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Jessie, and Wedge. "Where's your bandages?" Tifa asked walking up to (Y/N) to examine her lower abdominal area. "I threw them away. It healed." (Y/N) responded lifting up her shirt to show her. "Damn that quickly?!" Tifa said surprised "Yeah." (Y/N) responded as she walked past Tifa and sat next to Cloud. "So what's happening?" (Y/N) asked, turning in her head to slightly look back at the others. "Our next job. Infiltration on Reactor 5" Cloud explains. "Gotcha." She said snapping her fingers and then looking at Barret. "Hey! We called for Cloud not your slow ass!" Barret said. "May I remind you that we are partners." (Y/N) said, her fingers twitching. "If your partners where were you when those things were attacking us?!" Barret yelled walking a bit closer to (Y/N). "I tried to help but Cloud insisted that I went back to bed because of my injury." She replies. "That would have never happened if you had just done your job!" Barret yelled. "I was doing my job." She replies raising her voice. "well obviously you weren't! I don't even know why they put you in first class. You don't act like one. Hell, you shouldn't be a SOLDIER at all...all you do is hold everyone back." Barret yelled, that triggered something in (Y/N), her pupils shrunk and tears filled her eyes, her mouth was slightly a gape. She got up from her seat and headed for the door. "Wait. (Y/N)." Tifa grabbed her. "Let go of me Tifa. I'm not your lap dog." (Y/N) said harshly. Tifa gasped and loosened her grip. (Y/N) pulled away and walked out the door.


(Y/N) was sitting on her bed, counting her Gil. A knock was heard at the door and she replied with a cold "What." the door opened revealing Cloud and Tifa. "I'll say it again. What." (Y/N) said as harsh as ever, looking at the two with cold eyes, this caused Clouds breath to catch in his throat. Her voice and her eyes were usually always so bright and happy, She was always full of life and ready to try new things, now she was cold, dark, and lifeless. "Come with us." Tifa said, but (Y/N)s eyes narrowed and she looked away from them. "no." She said plainly "If Barret doesn't want me then I won't go. As simple as that." She said putting her Gil away and taking her scythe, grabbing a nearby cloth to clean it off. "(Y/N)." Cloud said looking at her with sad and worried eyes. "What Cloud." She responded, her tone lighting up a little.. "Please." Cloud pleaded, making (Y/N) sigh and close her eyes then open them and stand, hooking her scythe to her back.


(I'm so sorry this took so long I've been on and off working on it but I finally finished. It's long lol. Cya for the next chapter!)

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