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"Stephanie!" nessa ran into the kitchen. "We were all so worried about you" she started before looking down. "Whos clothes are these" she raised her eyebrows. "Well I just thought, If im gonna have a threesome with tana and jake then i might as well barrow clothes to" i laughed playfully. Nessas eyes widened before smirking at me "Thatta bitch" she smiled before smacking my butt.

"Guys im  really glad you all are here but can i meet you guys at the sway house later, Im really tired" I lied just to get out of any future conversation i may have. "Yes but we're definitely talking later" Nessa points in my face causing me to playfully roll my eyes.

"Okay fine" i playfully groaned before smiling. bryce came over to me before wrapping me in a large hug. "You had me really worried last night" He nuzzled his face in the crown of my head. "Im really sorry" I sighed before wrapping my arms around his arms. "I dont really feel good though so we can talk about it all later" I smiled while
pulling away.

"Okay bestie, Ill talk to you later" he kissed my forehead before letting go. "Bye steph" nessa grabbed her jacket before touching my elbow and walking out, having all the guys follow.

I locked my eyes with jaden for a split second since he hasn't taken his eyes off of me. He shakes his head before following everyone out as i close the door.


I wanted to talk to her, But I dont even know what to say. I just want to tell her how i feel, Last night when i seen her like that, I hated it. Weve all established that we dont like her drunk. She was very mean, I mean the way she was towards mads was terrible, She ran out of the party embarrassed and hurt, Then once she said something about a threesome with that dude jake and tana, I wanted to take her down and show her whos boss. Part of me fantasized of her sitting on her knees calling me daddy, looking at me with those innocent eyes, those pink full lips-

Stop thinking like this, I have a fucking girlfriend.

i patted around my pants before realizing that i didnt have my phone. I must of left it in her apartment.

"Guys I left my phone in her apartment" i held my hand to my forehead. They all looked at me wiating for me to figure out what i would do.

"You guys dont wait up, Ill take an uber back" I handed them the keys. "Alright man if you say so" Josh chuckled as i turned and walked back up the stairs.

I Faintly knocked on the door as my heart started to beat. Why was i so nervous? It wasnt this deep. I thought too soon befire the door swung open.

There she was, But now she was in a large Black t-shirt that ended at her middle thigh. She was wearing little lavender bunny slippers and had her watch on.

"god damn how can someone be so fucking beautiful" I mumbled while checking her appearance out.

"w-what" she sniffled causing my eyes to go softer. Her lips were so full and beautiful. She had the most captivating eyes, I cant stop anymore. my hand held the side of the walk before ducking my head down and pressing my lips to hers. i used my other hand to grab her right hip.

Her eyes widened before she wrapped her little hands on each sides of my face. I took my hand and wrapped it gently around her neck, Squeezing slightly, earning a moan from her, i took that opportunity to slip my tounge in as she kissed back hungrily. I walked her backwards , kicking the door shut with my foot and reaching back to lock the door.

pulled away slowly while resting my hands on each side of her face. "Fuck what are you doing to me" I brushed my thumb against her bottom lip. "I could ask you the same thing" she stared into my eyes. "I want you so fucking bad" I brushed her cheek as my breathe quickend. "Then come get me" she smiled up at me. Thats all it took, I smashed my lips back to hers. My hand ran up thigh, tapping it lightly causing her to jump. She moaned into the kiss before lightly biting my bottom lip between my lip and pulling away slowly.

"Can I take you to the bed" i groaned as she ran her hands through my hair. "Yes...Daddy" she smirked as she kissed down my jaw. "I clemched my jaw before walking down the small hallway to her room.

I dropped her on the bed and grinded against her as we kissed harder. she sat up and started playing with the bottom of my shirt, Obviously to nervous to take it off herself. I smiled before pulling it over my head and throwing it off.

I grabbed her cheeks and pecked her lips softly, "My sweet babygirl" i smirked before peckering kisses down her lips to her jaw. She softly moaned as i got down to her boob

"Just take it off of me already" She said in between moans. "Eager are we?" I smirked before peeling off her shirt over her head and tossing it.

I looked down to see her in her panties and bra. Her body was so stunning, I want all of her.

I pecked small kisses from her boob all the way down to the hem of her underwear. I reached behind her and snapped off her bra and continued to suck spots from her neck to her stomach, I know theyd leave marks but maybe thatll stop any guy from wanting her like i do.

I looked up at her as she laid back on her elbows. "Can I" my eyes sparkled up at her. She nodded eagerly while moaning from my touch.


My heart was racing, Jaden was currently pulling my panties down slowly. My hormones were raging as i slowly craved him more and more.

once he finally pulled down them down my legs, He pushed him finger over my slit before slowly rubbing. "Shit are you always this wet" He groaned while pushing in 2 fingers.

"Fuck" I parted my lips as he attached his mouth to me. He flicked his tounge before coming up and kissing me whike rubbing. He took out his finger before taking me legs and flipping me over and slapping my ass. He grabbed my ass with both hands before unbuckling his jeans and slipping them Off.

I felt him rub his bulge against my ass as he started kissing my neck. "Are you sure" He whispered in my ear. "Fuck Jaden please" I moaned eagerly "Whats my name" He tilted his head to the side while pulling out his length. He ran it over my slit waiting for me to answer. "Fuck Daddy" I moaned louder. Before i knew it he slammed into me. "FUCK"



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